I would like to apologize to the Spidey team...
...I totally jumped the gun in my criticism of Peter's characterization in Waid's recent issue...I should have known better...
Read more…...I totally jumped the gun in my criticism of Peter's characterization in Waid's recent issue...I should have known better...
Read more…I haven't seen any mention of this (mostly because I'm way behind on my spoiler-thread reading) but Amazing Spider-Man #599 has ret-conned away Sins Past. How? (here comes the spoiler) In #599, Norman Osborn mentions that he thought he was sterile b
Read more…...and this review reminds me why... http://www.the-isb.com/?p=2151
Read more…http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cerebus/message/167895 So it begins...
Read more…Pretty simple. Someone proposes a comics character that was either an utter failure, a laughing stock, a Mopee, a character that's had a hard time finding a good direction, or something similar. Someone else takes their best shot at breathing life in
Read more…My "Mr. Vertigo Reviews Again" postings used to appear in this category on the old board. So I thought I'd mention that they are continuing in the Vertigo group here. I just posted my monthly installment in the thread Mr. Vertigo Reviews Again - 2009
Read more…After I heard that Marvel had acquired the rights to the Marvelman/Miracleman franchise, it sent me scrambling to find my back issues published by Eclipse. I had read the Alan Moore run in TPB form shortly after its U.S. publication and most of the N
Read more…Both were launched in the Silver Age, both were the premiere super-team of their respective universes. Which one is your favorite? Which series did you like reading better? Which one reads better today?
Read more…There sure have been a lot of them ... here are some of the ones I enjoyed. Hobgoblin Lives - Back in the 80's, Roger Stern created the Hobgoblin, a worthy successor to the original (and then dead) Green Goblin. He also crafted a great mystery aroun
Read more…Didn't the Legion of Super-Heroes fight something called the Red Circle? RE The Web One-Shot: Meh.
Read more…So there I was, on the ol' internets, searching for some Iron Man info, when I came across something I had completely forgotten about: the limited series written by Jon Favreau, the director of the Iron man movies, namely, Iron Man: Viva Las Vegas. L
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I decided to skip it, since JSA's going up to 2 books a month (4 if you count Power Girl and Magog, but I really don't). But I'd love to know if it's good, since I *do* like Willingham ans Sturges. Read more…http://booksteveslibrary.blogspot.com/ Don't go there if you have other stuff to do today...
Read more…OK...there were some cute in-jokes here...and Holly likes that Dilton is going to her alma mater. I think I know, from a bit in this issue, what the six issues AFTER this six issue run will be... ...c'mon, it ain't hard...
Read more…I have been, for some time now, tradewaiting the Superman books. I had been following both Superman and Action regularly since "One Year Later", right up to Kurt Busiek's last issue on Superman (#675), and the conclusion of the Brainiac storyline in
Read more…It runs through August 14 (I think). Cast your vote!
Read more…http://www.abramsbooks.com/Books/The_TOON_Treasury_of_Classic_Children_s_Comics-9780810957305.html Art and his wife have, somehow, gotten Archie, Disney, DC, and other big publishers' permission to reprint a ton of fantastic stories featuring Little
Read more…http://blog.newsarama.com/2009/08/05/dark-horse-acquires-gold-keyvaliant-heroes/#comment-469130 Turok and company are coming back...again...
Read more…Can someone explain why several DC titles were revived in the mid 70s with a continuation of the original numbering? Off the top of my head, I can think of a few - Green Lantern/Green Arrow, Teen Titans, and Metal Men; I'm sure there were others (Aqu
Read more…Now that both Marvel and DC have a Chinese superteam, which one is better? Or, which one would win a fight, if that answer is different. Marvel's The Collective Man and the Eight Immortals (as seen in X-Men #157-160) or DC's The Great Ten
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