Renumbering series for "anniversary" issues is all the rage, after rejiggering the numbers time and again on various titles to give us new #1 issues. Fortunately, DC didn't go whole hog with this nonsense and (mostly) left alone Batman, Detective Comics, Action Comics and Superman.* However, those four titles give us a benchmark of true longevity.
Which leads me to my question: How is it possible that Wolverine is nearing issue #900? It's not possible, especially ahead of the four titles I just mentioned.
*(Yes, yes, I know about Superman/Adventures of Superman, and about Action Comics Weekly.)
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'That's easy. He cheats." - Johnny Hooker, The Sting.
Don't I recall that Marvel is also soliciting Deadpool Team-Up 900 or some such? And DC had a month where ALL of their books were numbered one million (thank you SO much, on behalf of all the comic collectors who, y'know, file their books in numerical order. As if issue zero wasn't bad enough...)
The Deadpool Team-up series is working its was backwards, so I guess (we are assuming it has strong sales for its entire run) once it counts down to issue #1 it will be over unless it has a zero issue.
As to Wolverine, maybe they are counting all of the issues he guest-starred in through the 80s til now, since he was the de facto star of those comics. I dunno.
I ran across it here on Comixology: Wolverine #900, with preview pages.
Somewhere in here, Cap explains the tortured math that sorta-kinda justifies the likes of Incredible Hulk #500 and others, but Wolverine, as a character and as a title, just hasn't been around long enough to get to #900!
There was a bit of buzz recently about how Action Comics and Detective Comics are nearing issue 900 (although, by my math, that's still a couple years away), and about how they would be the first (American) comics to reach such a pinnacle.
As a way of being smart-assed chops-busters (as they like to be these days), Marvel jumped ahead of the queue and issued Deadpool Team-Up #900 so they could reach that milestone first, while at the same time goofing on the concept by creating a title ludicrous enough that the number wouldn't really mean anything. The book was well-received and they got a fair amount of press attention for it, so my guess is they're playing the same game to try to make lightning strike twice.
Personally, I think it's less funny and more obnoxious this time, but that's just me.
As Barbie once famously said, "Math class is hard."
Then again, Office Space has, "It's not math. It's counting."
"Well, on the other hand water is water isn't it?
And east is east and west is west.
And if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does.
Now you tell me what you know."
The real truth of the matter is that Marvel royally screwed up when they launched Wolverine: Weapon X.
W:WX was supposed to be Wolverine's main title from then on, but because Old Man Logan dragged so far behind, the "main title" Wolverine was still coming out (having not yet changed into Dark Wolverine), so W:WX was seen as "just another Wolverine comic" by both readers and retailers. So W:WX sales have been terrible for a "flagship" character like Wolverine, and Marvel needed to do something to get his readers back. Wolverine #900 is the opening salvo in their attempt to bring him to the forefront again. Look for a new #1 soon.
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx
If Wolverine only made 22 appearnaces a year since he was created, then he'd easily be at 900 by now? He's been making around 50 appearnces a year since 1990, by my guess
Don't I recall that Marvel is also soliciting Deadpool Team-Up 900 or some such? And DC had a month where ALL of their books were numbered one million (thank you SO much, on behalf of all the comic collectors who, y'know, file their books in numerical order. As if issue zero wasn't bad enough...)
As to Wolverine, maybe they are counting all of the issues he guest-starred in through the 80s til now, since he was the de facto star of those comics. I dunno.
Somewhere in here, Cap explains the tortured math that sorta-kinda justifies the likes of Incredible Hulk #500 and others, but Wolverine, as a character and as a title, just hasn't been around long enough to get to #900!
As a way of being smart-assed chops-busters (as they like to be these days), Marvel jumped ahead of the queue and issued Deadpool Team-Up #900 so they could reach that milestone first, while at the same time goofing on the concept by creating a title ludicrous enough that the number wouldn't really mean anything. The book was well-received and they got a fair amount of press attention for it, so my guess is they're playing the same game to try to make lightning strike twice.
Personally, I think it's less funny and more obnoxious this time, but that's just me.
As Barbie once famously said, "Math class is hard."
Then again, Office Space has, "It's not math. It's counting."
"Well, on the other hand water is water isn't it?
And east is east and west is west.
And if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does.
Now you tell me what you know."
The real truth of the matter is that Marvel royally screwed up when they launched Wolverine: Weapon X.
W:WX was supposed to be Wolverine's main title from then on, but because Old Man Logan dragged so far behind, the "main title" Wolverine was still coming out (having not yet changed into Dark Wolverine), so W:WX was seen as "just another Wolverine comic" by both readers and retailers. So W:WX sales have been terrible for a "flagship" character like Wolverine, and Marvel needed to do something to get his readers back. Wolverine #900 is the opening salvo in their attempt to bring him to the forefront again. Look for a new #1 soon.
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx
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