Am I the only comics fan who's NOT all that worked up over the MCU? I've seen at most a third of the MCU pictures and have no real great desire to see any of the rest of them, (I haven't seen any DC movies either, not since the Batman one that killed Heath Ledger.)
Don't get me wrong, I'm not against them, the few I've seen were mostly OK, and if people are enjoying the others, good for them, but I just can't get worked up over them. It's just that I see people here and on social media getting all worked up over Avengers: Endgame like it's this big epochal event, and I'm starting to seriously wonder if there's something wrong with me as a comics fan (I know there's plenty of things wrong with me in other areas) because I really just don't care about it. I mean, I love the Avengers as a concept. With the League and the Society, they're one of my three favorite super-teams.
I'm not fed up with super-heroes or anything - I love One-Punch Man and My Hero Academia.
I just feel like the odd one out, because I just don't get it.
I felt that way about them for a while. But as they accumulated, they started to acquire the depth of backstroy and characterization that I've always loved about comics (and always found lacking in comic book movies). They've really grown into a storytelling universe, and become much richer for it.
That said, there's no reason to feel bad about it. I certainly feel the same about plenty of things that people go gaga for. I'm happy to wait months to see new Dr. Who stories (although now we have BBC America, so I don't have to), and have no real urgency to see Star Trek stuff, have passing interest in Star Wars (once is enough for any of them), and haven't seen a Harry Potter movie (or read the books) since the fourth one, whichever that was. There's a lot of great stuff out there -- plenty to pick and choose from. You simply can't care about everything.
For better or worse, I haven't seen many of the Marvel movies either. Mostly a question of time and a lack of spare money on my part after bills, medical expenses, etc.
I do like the idea of the world/universe building plan Marvel developed and stuck to, and hope it continues beyond Endgame.
And Rob, I'm afraid it's gonna be a longer wait than you might think. The next series of Doctor Who isn't scheduled until 2020!
I tend to not get too worked up over the movies anymore. There was a time when special effects first got to the point where a comic could be properly translated to the screen. I went to opening night for a few of those. But now, I'm content to wait until they show up on Blu-Ray or Netflix.
I find that I actually enjoy the TV series more than the movies these days because there's more room to flesh out the characters and various sub plots and less of an emphasis on eye popping spectacle.
It depends on the TV show and the movie. I'm much happier to get season after season of The Flash than a Flash movie. That's a welcome trade-off to me. But I'm also very happy to have the entire MCU tapestry, with a TV show like Agents of SHIELD exploring its edges.
And yeah, it's definitely going to be a long wait for the next Doctor Who. But there's so much wonderful TV out there I won't miss it at all, I'll just be happy when it arrives. (And it'll be a shorter wait for me than most people, since I just watched the New Year's episode a week or two ago!)
Gosh, Baron, it's all horse races! We all don't like everything to the same degree, and never will. What a boring world it would be if we all liked and disliked exactly the same things.
For my part, I am genuinely excited about the Marvel films -- they're exactly what I wanted when I was 10 and lo, they have come into being while I'm still alive to see them. Also, they are such a huge part of the pop culture landscape that I'd have to research them and write about them in my column even if I didn't know Captain America from Capn Crunch.
But again, that shouldn't be interpreted as pressure of any kind. And if you weren't here writing about manga and Doctor Who and Godzilla and all the other stuff you love, my education on these topics would be sorely lacking. I rarely have anything to add, but I do read and absorb. One thing I love more than sharing the things I love is other people sharing the things they love.
So be of good cheer, my friend! And keep doing that voodoo that you do so well.
If these pictures had come out when I was 10, I would have been desperate to see them.
And, yeah, I am saving my pennies to see the new Godzilla picture when it comes out at the end of the month.
Captain Comics said:
I do also wonder if at some point there will be a "reaction" against super-hero movies, if the market for them will be burned out eventually.
Probably, to a certain extent. But even though the heyday of the western was decades ago, we still get a couple of good ones every year or so.
Well, when we get down to Captain Klutz: The Motion Picture...
Rob Staeger (Grodd Mod) said:
I've seen all of the Marvel movies not except Ant-man & Wasp. I think for the most part they are good. Almost never great, and almost never terrible. For the most part they have no re-watch value to them. The origin story movies are getting a bit tiresome. I consider Black Panther, the most predictable of them all, which sucked because he is one of my favorite characters.
One of my main problems with them is that there is a lot of sameness to them. In tone, character actions/dialogue, etc.
I don't watch any of the TV shows right now either. I guess I have enough super-heroes in my life, and I need something else. I see myself going back to watch some of them when they finish.