Apocalypse 3.0 II: You are here!

If you are reading this, you are already on the Ning 3.0 version of website, which has been assigned the old URL, captaincomics.ning.com. 

It is as up to date as Ning will make it. I urge all Legionnaires to check to see if all they want from the old site, including post-Monday posts, made the journey here. The old material is available at captaincomics2.ning.com. You may have to log back in (I did). And be forewarned, it will look weird -- all the art is gone, and the navigation is off to the side. But all functions appear to still be working. 

We have until Aug. 12 before I pull the plug on the old site. And then, after many months, I will finally be paying for only one site instead of two.

Thanks for everyone's patience!

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  • Not too bad so far, Cap, though I've been looking at the new digs solely from my phone.  I'll get a better handle on things when I sit down at my desktop computer this week-end.

    The only drawback I've encountered so far, and it's a minor irritation, is I've had to check "Follow" next to "Email Me When People Reply" on all the threads I'm currently involved in.  (That explains why I didn't get any board notifications yesterday or to-day.)  That hasn't been much of a task on the general boards.  But, because, once in a rare while, I get a comment about one of my old Deck Log Entries, I went and checked "Follow" on every one of my articles.

    That did have the benefit of giving me a chance to review all of the entries, and I was glad to see they made it all intact, including the art.  (I was especially glad about the art; for some reason, about a year or two ago, the art was dropping out of my articles and I kept having to go back and replace it.

    did speak too hastily the other day when I said the "How to Find More Deck Log" link had crossed over intact.  The link no longer connects to those old Entries from two boards past.  But, that's not a tragedy.  I still have my file copies of those articles and most of the art that accompanied them.  I imagine at some point, I'll re-post them as "From the Archive" entries, which means I'll polish my prose and probably use fresh art, anyway.

    If that's the only growing pain with the move, I'm good.



    • I'm writing all these things down, Commander, and checking them out one by one. Sadly, most times when I ask Ning about some 2.0 function I can't find on 3.0, they tell me it's gone and not coming back. The The Coming 3,0 Apocalypse thread addresses a lot of the changes, what I've been able to fix and some workarounds.


      The coming 3.0 apocalypse
      OK, Legionnaires, it looks like it's really happening: Most of this site's data has been copied to a new Ning 3.0 site: captaincomicsnew.ning.com. Th…
  • So, this is the new site ... and it's not an improvement. 

    Can we get back the second window to add your new post, the one that used to be at the bottom of page below the most recent post?

    • No, it is not an improvement. And costs three times as much.

  • As Irma Khrul observed on the "3.0 Apocalypse" thread...

    So we read posts...and then scroll up to add a post.   Not very intuitive undecided, but okay. I'll get used to it. 

    NING 3.0 is not very condusive to the type of conversation we're used to having. By having two boxes (2.0), the user could decide to reply to the original post, or to the comments. By having only one box (3.0) placed after the lead post but before the comments, it assumes comments are for the original post only, and intended for the writer of that post. Beyond that, if the "reply" button is used, it is intended for the commenter and (as some of us have already discovered), will not appear in chronological order if others have posted responses in the meantime.

    There are some things I don't like (being returned to the first page of discussion after posting), but others I do (the "edit" function... which I will need more frequently if "spellcheck" cannot be enabled). 


    • I've got the Forum set where the answere typed in the counter-intuitive box just below Original Post appears at the end of the thread, but that's the best result I've been able to find.


  • You could just reply to the last post in the thread, and that will pop open a new window at the bottom. Not Ideal, but it could work. (I haven't tested it myself)

  • So, what I did learn, and it wonly works on multi-page threads. If you click on the page you are on it will scroll you back up to the first reply, so you just have a little scrolling to do to get to the reply window.

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