Generation X #1 - A new student arrives at the school and meets his wacky classmates. Story by Christina Strain, art by Amilcar Pinna.
Let's get this out of the way--I despise this art. I find it both ugly and amateurish. On the other hand, many of the characters are ones I like. However, at this point, the art is too much of a turn off.
Luke Cage #1 - Luke hears about the suicide of Dr. Noah Burstein, then discovers things are not what they seem. Story by David F. Walker, art by Nelson Blake II.
The story is reasonably interesting, although sadly lacking the humor of Power Man and Iron Fist. The art--well, I've seen art like this before, and it's not quite professional grade yet. It will be eventually if Blake stays with it, but at the moment it's a step below.
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Oh, and the best line of the week:
Oughtta be a leash law for flying dogs in this town.
OK,I'll play...
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Year Three #3: A continuation of the "seaweed monsters" story. (No relation to "Fury from the Deep", as far as I can tell.) An OK story, but not particularly outstanding.
My Hero Academia is fun, isn't it?
Yes, it is.
The Baron said:The Flash #22: A disappointing ending to a disappointing crossover. Seems to be simply a promo for a story that isn't coming out until November!
Like I said in the thread for The Button, a $16 promo taking the place of a free promo.
It also gives me a bad feeling about the November "event." Will it be a huge crossover? Will it actually have a beginning, middle and end?
Can't argue with that, but there's a line in Batman 23 that's also a thing of beauty. Mostly because of how it contrasts with the art, a gorgeous 2-page spread.
Randy Jackson said:
Richard Willis said:
Geoff Johns says it will be a completely self contained story. Followed by the usual hyperbole about how it's unlike anything you've ever seen, it will change everything, blah blah blah.
Shall we begin taking bets on what 'minor' DC hero will be killed off to prove what a bad-ass the villain is?
Detective 445 said:
Since I don't read Batman currently, I didn't see that. May I presume it involved this issue's special guest?
Rob Staeger (Grodd Mod) said:
It did.
It's a little moment, but so well done. And I don't think I can really do it justice in text. But the next time you go into your comic shop, flip a couple of pages in and start with the page of Alfred sweeping leaves and dirt from the floor of Wayne Manor, and then get to the page turn. It's charming.
The story itself is a done in one, so it might be worth picking it up. I loved it -- it bores really deeply into the psyches of both characters.