Comics Guide: Aug. 21-27, 2023

(Note: CLICK HERE for the full list)




"Fall of X," "Summer of Symbiotes," "Dark Droids" and "Contest of Chaos" all continue this week. An era of Captain America ends while new eras of Thor, Jean Grey and others begin.



11019816487?profile=RESIZE_400x12198518691?profile=RESIZE_180x180Story: Gerry Duggan | Art: Juan Frigeri | Cover: Kael Ngu | Variants: Björn Barends, Martín Cóccolo | Teen+ | $3.99

Tony Stark: Black King of the Hellfire Club!

Feilong and the Stark Sentinels have beaten Iron Man and robbed him of his armor. But Tony isn't without his resources: his father's membership to the Hellfire Club and his new Stealth Armor!

  • Next month: Wedding bells!
  • Also, the X-Men should have killed Feilong when he landed on Phobos many months ago. Well, not the X-Men, but some of those Arakko mutants who are supposed to be so scary and lethal. Feilong's death would be totally justified. The mutants had claimed Mars, so for someone to come along and claim one of Mars' moons is tantamount to an invasion, and Arakko should have responded accordingly. And they should have welcomed the opportunity, to show Earth that they meant business.
  • Instead they let Feilong turn Phobos into a forwarding operating base for Orchis, on Arakko soil. That's just idiotic — or rather, writer's fiat.
  • Grr. Obviously, it still annoys me.
  • Here's a preview.



11107191698?profile=RESIZE_710x12159251058?profile=RESIZE_180x180Story: Louise Simonson | Art: Bernard Chang | Cover: Amy Reeder | Variants: Derrick Chew, Juann Cabal, George Perez | 40 pages | Teen+ | $4.99


After the events of the Hellfire Gala, Jean’s life is in shambles. Mutantkind is in dire straits — and there’s nothing this founding X-Man can do. She’ll have to save herself first. And that means looking into her past — for the moment when it all went wrong — in a desperate attempt to save her and all Krakoa’s future!

FALL OF X, the X-Men’s new era that marks the potential end of Krakoa as we know it, has arrived! One of the exciting new series that will launch during this dark new age of mutantkind has remained shrouded in mystery … until now! This August, X-Men visionary Louise Simonson, known for her franchise-defining work on classic runs of X-Factor and New Mutants, is back with an all-new Jean Grey solo series!

FALL OF X officially kicked off in July’s X-MEN: HELLFIRE GALA #1, where epic tragedy struck and mutantkind’s future began to spiral into uncertainty. Throughout this period of turmoil, Jean Grey, the heart of the X-Men, holds the key to rescue mutantkind, but first she’ll need to go on a journey alone into the darkest periods of her history. Joined by artist Bernard Chang (Children of the Atom), Simonson will reveal senses-shattering new insights behind key moments in Jean’s past, including her early days with the X-Men, her breathtaking first interaction with the Phoenix Force, her shocking confrontation with Madelyne Pryor and more. Each chapter will be packed with heartbreaking secrets and pulse-pounding mystery as Jean discovers the truth of what’s happening and what she must do. … From the ashes of Jean’s past comes the only hope for the X-Men’s salvation!

“I loved writing X-Factor and Jean was a pivotal part of those stories, from the escape from her Phoenix-created cocoon to her life and death battle with the Goblin Queen in ‘Inferno.’ So It's really exciting to explore Jean's part in this new mega-adventure,” Simonson shared.

On Jean’s importance to the X-Men mythos, Simonson said, “Jean has always been a pivotal character, the fulcrum upon which so many vital story points balance. She has been constantly impacted by events outside herself and struggles to control the things she can. Her life experiences have made her cautious, less impulsive and certain than when she was younger. Her telepathic power lets her know the best and worst of those around her but she remains loving and empathic, with a strong moral core. She's brave and constantly questions herself: 'Did I do what was right?' ”

Superstar artist Derrick Chew has brought some of Marvel’s greatest heroes to life in best-selling variant covers and next month, he spotlights one of the Marvel Universe’s original mutant icons: JEAN GREY! Depicted in her classic and beloved Marvel Girl costume, Jean unleashes the full might of her telekinetic mutant gifts in this show-stopping cover for the debut issue of her new solo series! A five-issue saga, JEAN GREY will be written by legendary X-Men scribe Louise Simonson and drawn by Bernard Chang. Readers will experience a rousing exploration of Jean’s dramatic history as she revisits her past to find the key to guiding mutantkind out of the FALL OF X!

  • Hey! Louise Simonson is back!
  • "Jean Grey, the heart of the X-Men ..." Funny, I always thought of Cyclops as the heart of the X-Men, the one indispensible member. But Claremont and Byrne wrote a dreadful story where Storm beat Cyclops in combat to take over leadership, turned Wolverine into "Mr. X-Man" with all of Scott's jobs (and even his girlfriend, sorta), and went so far as to turf Cyclops out for a while, just so we got the point. Later other writers made him, implausibly, a radicalized mutant-rights villain. Now it's Jean who's "the heart of the X-Men." As a child of the '60s, I still think of Cyclops as "Mr. X-Man" and mentally dismiss all those efforts to downplay him, but I do accept that he, Jean and Logan now form a sort of "X-Trinity," like Superman-Batman-Wonder Woman in Justice League and Cap-Iron Man-Thor in Avengers. 
  • Note that the title is Jean Grey, not Marvel Girl or Phoenix. How many other superheroes are best known by their real name?
  • Of course, Marvel killed off her entire extended family in 2006, so I guess a secret ID is superfluous.
  • Here's a preview.


REALM OF X #1 (OF 4)

11026361663?profile=RESIZE_710x12198519679?profile=RESIZE_180x180Story: Torunn Grønbekk | Art: Diógenes Neves | Cover: Stephanie Hans | Variants: Karen S. Darboe, Chris Bachalo | 40 pages | Teen+ | $4.99

Since 2019’s revolutionary HOUSE OF X and POWERS OF X series, mutantkind has experienced unparalleled growth and prosperity on the island nation Krakoa — but can it really last forever? Following July’s X-MEN: HELLFIRE GALA #1, mutantkind will enter a thrilling new era of uncertainty, danger, and mystery known as FALL OF X! This new age won’t be limited to Earth as a small band of mutantkind’s fiercest warriors are sent on a mystical mission across the Ten Realms in REALM OF X!

Written by Torunn Grønbekk (Thor, The Mighty Valkries) and drawn by Diógenes Neves (The Darkhold: Spider-Man), REALM OF X will continue the Krakoan Era’s fascinating exploration of mutant magic as a ragtag group of mutants become players in a mystical war orchestrated by a familiar adversary. This mysterious mastermind wants to manipulate mutantkind just as they’re at their lowest — but they’ve messed with the wrong ones! Can Magik, former Valkyrie Dani Moonstar, Marrow, Dust, Curse, and Typhoid Mary overcome their differences and rise as legendary heroes of the Ten Realms? Or will their mere presence escalate the conflict and warp mutantkind’s destiny forever?

Leaping straight from the astonishing events of this year's Hellfire Gala, an unlikely group of mutants find themselves stranded in ... Vanaheim? And whats even more confusing, the locals seem to believe that they hold the key to fulfilling a prophecy that can either raise the realm to riches — or cause it to fall to ruin. With Magik's powers malfunctioning and a mysterious figure amassing power on the outskirts of the realm, these X-Men are going to going to have to band together if they want to stay alive long enough to find their way home!

“Writing REALM OF X is an unparalleled joy,” Grønbekk said. “We are bringing together an amazing cast of incredibly powerful but exceptionally different characters and throwing them into a situation for which they are wholly unprepared. Vanaheim is deceptively familiar but far from everything, and the only thing our cast has in common is that this realm is not in anyone's comfort zone. Not only will our mutants have to deal with civil war, ancient prophecies, lost powers, and inconvenient love (arguably the best kind!), but they'll also have to contend with each other, Mary's temper, and one lost teenager.”

  • The last time I remember seeing Vanaheim, a bunch of Dark Elves were being slaughtered by Malekith there. Maybe it's friendlier to tourists now.
  • Everybody reading this probably already knows that Freya and Freyr are Vanir, not Aesir, in the original Norse myths. They were traded as hostages to end the war between the two tribes of gods. (I don't know who or what the Vanir got in return. Odin should have given them Loki.) 
  • I am reminded of this because, because I'm in the middle of Jason Aaron's run on Thor and he keeps reminding us (well, Freya keeps mentioning it). I'm approaching "War of the Realms," wherein I expect I'll see more of Vanaheim.
  • Freya is also depicted as Odin's wife in the comics. I don't know where that leaves Frigg (or Gaea and the Phoenix Force, for that matter). I guess I'll follow up Aaron's run on "War of the Realms" with Aaron's run on Avengers, which expands on Thor's provenance.
  • Here's a preview.



11019815661?profile=RESIZE_400x12198522678?profile=RESIZE_180x180Story: Benjamin Percy | Art: Robert Gill | Cover: Daniel Acuña | Variant: Rahzzah | Parental Advisory | $3.99


COLOSSUS leads X-FORCE into the next era! But no one on the team is prepared for a mission set to fracture their trust and teamwork for all time.

And don't miss the first of legendary Daniel Acuña's run of covers on the series!

  • Has anybody on this team with approximately 4,000 telepaths on it figured out that Colossus is being mind-controlled yet? Another writer's fiat. Grr.
  • Here's a preview.




11107188077?profile=RESIZE_710x12198517252?profile=RESIZE_180x180Story: Collin Kelly & Jackson Lanzing | Art/Cover: Carmen Carnero | Variant: Greg Land | 40 pages | Teen+ | $4.99


It all comes down to this! CAPTAIN AMERICA FINALE #1 will mark the end of Steve Rogers’ current era as writers Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing and artist Carmen Carnero present the climactic final battle of their CAPTAIN AMERICA: SENTINEL OF LIBERTY run. Steve will make his final stand against the Outer Circle, the new group of villains who now count Bucky Barnes as a member. Has Bucky finally come to his senses? Or will his misguided actions mark the end of one of comic book’s longest-standing friendships? Using information gathered from friends on the inside, Steve Rogers sets his sights on releasing the world from the Outer Circle’s influence and ending the Century Game for good. Within this thrilling confrontation also comes a new beginning — Bucky’s journey as the Revolution, Sharon Carter’s evolution as the new Destroyer, Black Widow’s new mission, and much more will continue later this year!

"The Century Game is coming to its explosive end — and we're all so thankful for every reader who joined us for the ride,” Kelly shared. “SENTINEL OF LIBERTY could never have happened without the visual mastery of Carmen Carnero, who brought every moment of this story to life with boundless imagination and truly human empathy. Nolan Woodard's colors helped create a brutal, beautiful world, while Joe Caramagna perfected every character's voice. And our deepest thanks goes to our fearless editor Alanna Smith and her equally dauntless assistant editor Kaitlyn Lindvedt - who got us through the trenches and into safety on the other side."

"This series has been life-changing for Collin and me,” Lanzing added. “Every page of SENTINEL OF LIBERTY was a labor of love, every character has become like family, every collaborator is among the best in the business. We've had the true honor of being embraced by the Captain America fanbase — who work to bring Steve Rogers' moral clarity and goodness into the world every day. From the mystery of the Outer Circle, to the rise of the New Invaders, to the monster-filled chaos of COLD WAR, this story has been a dream. And though it's bittersweet to bring ‘The Century Game’ to a close, rest assured that we aren't done with these characters or the arcs they've begun here.” 

  • I thought they'd already finished the Outer Circle storyline, but evidently there are a few more loose threads to tie up. After this, if I'm to believe the solicitations, there will be only one Captain America title, which will star Steve Rogers. Sam Wilson will continue to be the Captain America in Avengers.
  • Here's a preview.





12198517497?profile=RESIZE_180x180Written By Zac Gorman & Stephanie Phillips | Art By Alan Robinson & Alberto Foche | Cover By Francesco Manna | Variant: Todd Nauck | Teen+ | $4.99


The Fantastic Four is drawn into the mayhem when the Human Torch is pitted against Johnny Blaze, the Ghost Rider! It’s flame versus hellfire when the two heroes face off — but who will emerge victorious?! Plus: More of Agatha Harkness’s plan is revealed — along with those determined to stop her!

  • I'm probably being influenced by all the Silver Age stories where Human Torch was a pushover — Plantman beat him with damp acorns once — but I don't see this as being much of a contest. Even if Johnny Storm is tougher now, he's still a one-trick pony: fire. And Ghost Rider isn't bothered by fire.
  • Here's a preview.





Story: Alyssa Wong | Art: Minkyu Jung | Cover: Junggeun  Yoon | Variants: Chris Sprouse, Asajj Ventress, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Salvador Larroca | Teen | $4.99

The Milestone 75th Issue of Doctor Aphra!

Something is rotten in the House of Tagge! Sent by Domina Tagge to investigate a series of strange droid malfunctions, Doctor Aphra faces a deadly enemy from the past — a horde of Clone War-Era Prototype Battle Droids designed by Domina herself! Is this sabotage? Betrayal? Or something far, far worse?

  • Dark Droids! They're droids! And they're dark! So very, very dark! All you can see is their eyes!
  • Here's a preview.





Story: Al Ewing | Art: Sergio Dávila | Cover: Bryan Hitch | Variants: Ryan Stegman, Jan Bazaldua, Sunghan Yune, Elena Casagrande | Teen+ | $3.99


Doctor Doom is the most notorious and ambitious supervillain in the Marvel Universe — but he’s got something Eddie Brock needs. WHAT COULD IT BE?! And what calamitous circumstance will befall both Doom and Eddie?

The ambitious and explosive symbiote saga from Al Ewing welcomes guest artist SERGIO DÁVILA! Together, these two creators are going to take Eddie Brock on an adventure that will have symbiote fans talking for YEARS to come!

  • Well, that Doom cover isn't alarming at all, is it?
  • I'm not really worried about Dr. Doom. He's survived every kind of "death" imaginable, going back to the early '60s, when they still bothered to explain how a presumed-dead character survived.
  • Here's a preview.




12198517675?profile=RESIZE_400x11213924872?profile=RESIZE_180x180Story: Al Ewing |  Art: Martín Cóccolo | Cover: Alex Ross | Variants: Martín Cóccolo, George Pérez, Stonehouse, Francis Manapul, Peach Momoko, Bryan Hitch | 56 pages | Teen+ | $6.99


In Norse myths, they called him Thunderer. Vuer has he been called, and Hloriddi. The Gods know him as Asgard's King, keeper of Mjolnir, hero of the tales. When injustice grips the Earth and ancient powers bring down the sky, he fights for those who cannot — and when the tale is done, we will know what that cost him.

This is the story of THE IMMORTAL THOR!

  • It looks like Thor's going back to his original togs. I can't say I've really missed them. Some of his more recent garb has been significantly cooler.
  • And probably more accurate. Vikings didn't have horns on their helmets — or wings, either. They probably wore something close to the Norman helmet. (After all, "Norman"="Northman.")
  • And chain mail. Definitely chain mail, at least on the arms and legs, and probably the torso, too. Plus plate armor on the chest, or a leather or metal cuirass. Even the Romans had those, 1,000 years before the Viking Age.
  • And Thor was royalty, so he'd have the best armor the dwarves could cook up. Not gladiator sandals and little plates on his chest, as Kirby drew him.
  • I do agree with the red cloak. If any superhero should have a cloak, it's Thor.
  • Here's a preview.





Story: Kyle Starks | Art: Jesús Hervás | Cover: David Baldeón | Variants: ernard Chang, Adam Kubert, Chrissie Zullo, Ron Lim | 40 pages | Teen | $4.99


When Kraven abducts Lockjaw at the same time a local scientist mixed up with A.I.M. goes missing, it’s up to Throg the Frog of Thunder, Redwing the Falcon, Chewie the Cat Flerken, Lucky the Pizza Dog, Bats the Ghost Dog and their scrappy new ally D-Dog to save the day.

But there’s more to this case than meets the eye, and something infernal lurks in the shadows. Can feathers, fangs and claws stand against one of the deadliest foes in the Marvel Universe?

  • I haven't really kept up with the Pet Avengers, but I'm not too worried about a team that includes Lockjaw, a Thor (albeit a frog) and a Flerken.
  • The others are pretty much baggage, but two of them are very good boys.
  • Here's a preview.



AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #300 FACSIMILE EDITION reprints Venom's first full appearance. (He'd been partially shown in earlier issues.)

"Bonus page written by Jonathan Hickman — WHO ARE THE G.O.D.S.?" pages this week are included in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #32, IMMORTAL THOR #1 and VENOM #24. When these bonus pages were first announced, I thought they were all the same page in different books. I was wrong. They are all different pages, depicting different G.O.D.S. characters and their revealing interactions with regular Marvel characters like Dr. Strange. There are eight in total. 

Bad Avengers alert: AVENGERS EPIC COLLECTION: THE GATHERING TP collects Avengers (first series) #367-377, Avengers Annual #23, X-Men (1991) #26, Avengers West Coast #101, Uncanny X-Men (1981) #307 and Avengers Log #1. "The Gathering" introduced a Swordsman variant and two new characters, Proctor and Magdalene. Who are they and what do they want? Beats me. I stored "The Gathering" right next to "The Crossing" in my mind mansion, behind a padlock in a dark room I never visit. Not only was the story boring and interminable, not only was there a dull-edged love triangle front and center throughout, but it featured an ersatz band of Avengers inexplicably led by Black Knight and inexplicably including Crystalia "Crystal" Amaquelin of the Inhumans, Sersi of the Eternals and Hercules of the Olympians (with a really bad outfit). Despite the mostly Steve Epting/Tom Palmer art, this was not a good era of the Avengers.

Good Avengers alert: AVENGERS EPIC COLLECTION: THIS BEACHHEAD EARTH TP collects Avengers (first series) #77-97, which gave us the origin of the Black Panther, the prelude to the Kree/Skrull War, the Lady Liberators debut, the Squadron Sinister's second appearance — all written by Roy Thomas and drawn (mostly) by the Buscema brothers. Plus, a Harlan Ellison-written story from Incredible Hulk (1968) #140!





"Knight Terrors" is still dominating at DC, but drawing to a close. Plus, another Bat-book debuts. (Albeit starring a villain.)



12198573483?profile=RESIZE_400xStory: Joshua Williamson | Art: Giuseppe Camuncoli, Stefano Nesi, Caspar Wijngaard | Cover: Ivan Reis, Danny Miki | Variants: Caspar Wijngaard & Giuseppe Camuncoli, Darick Robertson, Mico Suayan, Ivan Reis | $3.99/$4.99 (card stock)

Insomnia searches the nightmares of all the heroes for his precious Nightmare Stone and keeps on coming up empty-clawed! Wesley Dodds, Batman, and I must return to the haunted Arkham Tower to confront Insomnia, but … now I know why Insomnia hates the heroes. And I gotta be honest: I’m having a hard time not relating. Maybe Insomnia is owed his revenge.

  • Good to see both Deadman and the Golden Age Sandman again. Neither has gotten as much panel time as I crave.
  • Other "KNIGHT TERRORS" tie-ins this week include KNIGHT TERRORS: ACTION COMICS #2 (OF 2), KNIGHT TERRORS: ANGEL BREAKER #2 (OF 2), KNIGHT TERRORS: DETECTIVE COMICS #2 (OF 2), KNIGHT TERRORS: HARLEY QUINN #2 (OF 2), KNIGHT TERRORS: TITANS #2 (OF 2). The crossover ends next week with a one-shot.
  • I haven't been following Batman lately, so I don't know who or what an Angel Breaker is, or why they deserve their own crossover title. I suspect when I find out, I'll be disappointed. (See: Punchline.)
  • Here's a preview.




12198574487?profile=RESIZE_400xStory: Tom King | Art: Rafael De Latorre | Cover: Scorpio Steele & Stefano Gaudiano | Variants: Brian Bolland, Nathan Szerdy, David Marquez, Kael Ngu, Nathan Szerdy | $3.99/ $4.99 (card stock)


After retiring to Metropolis following his “death,” Oswald Cobblepot finds himself forced back into the unpredictable and violent Gotham City underworld as a pawn of the United States intelligence community! Gotham’s criminal element has been evolving since he was last in the city, with his bastard twin children ruling the Iceberg Lounge. And what of the man he framed for his death — Batman? Is the Penguin walking into a death sentence?

From award-winning and bestselling writer Tom King (Batman, The Human Target) and artist Rafael de Latorre (Daredevil) comes a bloody, hard-boiled tale of redemption and revenge!

  • I can't say I've ever been a big Penguin fan, but maybe Tom King can change that.
  • Here's a preview.





11130047290?profile=RESIZE_710x11130047865?profile=RESIZE_710xStory: Ryan Stegman, Kenny Porter | Art: Tyrell Cannon, Mike Spicer, John J. Hill | Covers: Tyrell Cannon, Ryan Stegman | Teen+ | $3.99

Bestselling artist/writer Ryan Stegman (Vanish, Venom) and Superboy writer Kenny Porter team up with Beef Bros artist Tyrell Cannon, colorist Mike Spicer and letterer/designer John J. Hill for this action/comedy.

The Schlub follows failing dentist Roger Daltonn who blames the world for his problems … up until he is body-swapped with the world’s greatest superhero. Can Roger save Earth and finally prove to his family he’s not a loser? Or are we all doomed?

“A few years back I pitched Image a comic that I would write and draw about a Michael Scott/Kenny Powers type character if they became a superhero that the entire world relied on. It was approved and I had started work on it when Marvel came along and asked me to do a little book called Venom," said Stegman. "I couldn’t say no, but I couldn’t shake this idea of the superhero that just can’t do the right thing. So I asked my buddies Kenny, Tyrell and John to help me make this book a reality and here we are! The greatest superhero comic book on the planet.”

Porter added: “We created The Schlub for people like us — comic fans who love big, bombastic superhero action wrapped around a heartfelt story. This is all about feeling like the world is against you and growing as a person — and I think that's something we can all relate to.”

"Drawing The Schlub is an absolute blast," said Cannon. "I basically get to channel my lifelong obsession with action movies and comics into every issue. Having that big 'i' on our comic is the fulfillment of a dream I've had since picking up my first Image comic as a kid. I couldn't be more stoked!"

  • My dentist is in much better shape than that, and he's retiring.
  • Here's a preview.



12175319061?profile=RESIZE_400xStory: Justin Jordan | Art/Cover: Luca Claretti, Igor Monti | $3.99

Today Skybound, in partnership with game publisher Com2uS, previewed never-before-seen pages of Summoners War: Awakening #5. The limited series based on the hit RPG mobile game will return for its penultimate issue by the all-star team of writer Justin Jordan and artist Luca Claretti, and will feature colors by Igor Monti (Radiant Black).

Trapped between Stiodani airships and the deadly bounty hunter, Malakhan, Rai’s summoning skills will be put to the ultimate test to save her friends.

The Summoners War: Awakening comic series is the latest expansion to the Summoners War IP, following Skybound’s previous comic series Legacy, which is now available as a collection.

Issues of Summoners War: Awakening debut alongside the latest new mobile game titled Summoners War: Chronicles, released November 2022. The variety of expansions is a testament to the game’s success and longevity, which proves to be a major tentpole for Com2uS’ gaming portfolio. Com2us has been in partnership with Skybound since 2017 jointly releasing Summoners War comics, The Walking Dead mobile games, and much more. Com2uS is extending its business territory from mobile games to Global Media Contents Company that covers different entertainment genres.

"The story line keeps you locked in and the art is a masterpiece." — Comic Crusaders

"Summoners War: Awakening has become one of my favorite worlds to visit, and I don't see that changing anytime soon." — 

  • Image sent me this preview, so I'm passing it along. Based on a video game, I presume.




"Day of Blood" continues, and four first issues ship. I've read that IDW is cutting back on IDW Originals due to having too many titles out at once, and I can believe it.



12198585261?profile=RESIZE_400x12198585086?profile=RESIZE_180x180Story: Collin Kelly | Art: Jackson Lanzing, Angel Unzueta | Cover: Malachi Ward | $4.99

"Day of Blood," Chapter Three! Only emissary Sisko and his crew of Starfleet's finest and disgraced ambassador Worf and his band of insurgents can save the universe. But they are divided in every sense of the word. ... In space, Lieutenants Paris and Torres fight over control of the Defiant while Spock and Scotty do everything they can to keep the Theseus from being cleaved in two. On the ground, Ro and Sela have given up hope, and siblings Data and Lore can't see eye to eye — all while their captains resist the urge to tear each other apart. Can they defeat Kahless and his Red Path when they cannot overcome their own differences?

  • Crossovers work for everybody else, why not IDW? It looks like the 1960s-1980s gang's all here, with characters from Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager. There's no sign of characters from Star Trek: Discovery, Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek: Lower Decks, the Kelvin timeline or Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. Maybe next crossover.



12198587456?profile=RESIZE_400x12198587888?profile=RESIZE_180x180Story: Kirsten Beyer, Mike Johnson | Art/Cover: Angel Hernandez | $3.99

Come back to Strange New Worlds with a never-before-seen adventure of the hit Paramount+ show! Set course with Captain Pike and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise to the Scorpius constellation! As they venture into the unknown, the Enterprise crew learn what it truly means to traverse through the strange and unfamiliar when they lose contact with Starfleet and find themselves trapped in unexplored space!

  • The best Star Trek in years gets a second title!



12198588477?profile=RESIZE_400xStory: Zoe Quinn | Art: Philip Murphy | Cover: Chynna Clugston Flores | $4.99

Wednesday Addams doesn't feel like she fits in anywhere. Not even at home after she discovers a beauty magazine in her Uncle Fester's room that tells her all about how she should look and act. It doesn't keep her down for long, however, as she quickly realizes that rather than change herself, it would be more fun to make over her family and force them to accept the societal norms they all normally reject. Reprinting the IDW one-shot, this spin-off from the animated The Addams Family movie features all your favorite characters, including Gomez, Morticia, Pugsley, Lurch, Thing ... and, of course, Wednesday. Featuring a new macabre cover by Chynna Clugston Flores (Blue Monday), this kicks off a whole new run of comics featuring the creepy, kooky, altogether spooky Addams Family!

  • You'd think they'd go with the modern Wednesday iterations of the Addams Family, not the old cartoon versions. Well, any Addams is better than no Addams.







10953862059?profile=RESIZE_400xStory/Art: Jay Martin | Dark Horse | 128 pages | ages 10-17 | $19.99

Dark Horse Books teams up with renowned music video director Jay Martin to bring you a gripping new tale in Lost Boy! This graphic novel features a beautiful and heartwarming story of a young boy’s journey of survival and remaining kind in the face of adversity. Written, drawn, and colored by Jay Martin, the graphic novel also features lettering by Frank Cvetkovic.

After a deadly accident in the remote Wyoming wilderness, a young boy escapes alone. Stranded, freezing and isolated, he struggles to stay alive as he attempts to find his way back to civilization. Along the way, through extreme tests of will, courage and endurance, he discovers what it means to be tested, and learns the secret to survival isn’t always what you think.

“In Lost Boy,” says Jay Martin, “I wanted to create a different kind of survival story. Here, the main character discovers that what has always been perceived as his greatest weakness — his compassion and sensitivity — become his salvation. He learns that, sometimes heading in the opposite direction of where we think we need to go, is what gets us home.”

  •  Is there a dog? It looks like there's a dog! (Might be a deer, though.)
  • Here's a preview.



12198593887?profile=RESIZE_400xStory: Joe Corallo, Rachel Pollack | Art: Eva Cabrera | 120 pages | $22.99

Twenty-five years after losing her lover Lulu in a cult ritual for Dionysus gone wrong, Mindy Morrow is trying to live her life and put the past behind her. Unfortunately for Mindy, the past won’t let her go. While she’s taking care of her friend Flavia, her frenemy Kate is trying to lure Mindy back into the old club scene, and something more ancient and terrifying awaits them all. From Joe Corallo and Rachel Pollack, the winner of The World Fantasy Award, the Arthur C. Clarke Award, and a Nebula nominee comes a story about dark pasts and the supernatural. Collects The Never-Ending Party #1–5 from the ComiXology original digital series, in print for the first time!

  • Who hasn't been at a cult ritual for Dionysus that has gone wrong? That's pretty much the story of my life.
  • Here's a preview.






Script: Various | Art: Various | Cover: Robert Hack | Archie | 160 pages | $17.99

Welcome to the chilling world of Archie Horror, where demons roam the earth and terrifying tall tales come to life. From robotic rogues and inter-dimensional interlopers to sinister sorcerers and macabre mystics, this anthology collection has everything your horror-hungry heart desires.

Riverdale and its surrounding areas are known to be hotbeds of strange happenings and paranormal activity, but sometimes things get downright disturbing, and even the most pure-hearted can’t be saved. Join a murderer’s row of comics talent on a spine-chilling guided tour into the realms of the unknown, led by the masters of Archie Horror: Madam Satan and Jinx Holliday (plus everyone’s favorite talking cat, Salem)!


Collects seven killer comics: Madam Satan, Chilling Adventures in Sorcery, Jinx: Grim Fairy Tales, Weirder Mysteries, Chilling Adventures of Salem, The Return of Chilling Adventures in Sorcery and Happy Horror Days.

Archie Comics rules Spooky Season once again with the return of Archie Horror's Month of Mayhem, a fall event launching new spine-chilling horror comics in the run-up to Halloween. Kicked off by the imprint's first trade paperback collection of short stories, the slate includes a battle with the forces of Hell, demonic toys, robots run amok and a twisted version of Riverdale where nothing is what it seems.

Archie Comics Senior Director of Editorial Jamie L. Rotante said, "We're so excited to return to our Month of Mayhem event this year, celebrating all things horror and Halloween throughout October. From a psychological thriller in WELCOME TO RIVERDALE and a collection of middle-grade horror tales in TOYBOX OF TERROR, not to mention all the Halloween fun in our classic-style comics and digests, there's truly something for every Halloween lover from Archie!"

The initiative launches with CHILLING ADVENTURES — THE ANTHOLOGY COLLECTION, the long-awaited trade paperback compendium of Archie Horror's recent one-shots and short stories. A delightful candy box of quick spooky thrills that can be dipped into over and over, the book has something for every horror fan across sub-genres, art styles, and tones.

Archie's Month of Mayhem then continues with the next installment of writer Elliot Rahal's Madam Satan saga as Hell follows the iconic Sabrina villain to the mortal plane in MADAM SATAN: HELL ON EARTH on Sept. 20.

  • To the amusement of my LCS owner, I actually bought some of these one-shots. Hey, they're fun! What more do you want from comics?
  • Diamond says this book is coming out Aug. 23, Archie says it's coming out Sept. 12.





12198603068?profile=RESIZE_400xStory: Joe Simon | Art: Chris Kirby, Joe Simon | Cover:  Jack Kirby | TwoMorrows | $49.95

In 1954, industry legends Joe Simon and Jack Kirby founded Mainline Publications to publish their own comics during that turbulent era in comics history. The four titles — Bullseye, Foxhole, Police Trap and In Love —looked to build off their reputation as hitmakers in the Western, War, Crime and Romance genres, but the 1950s backlash against comics killed any chance at success, and Mainline closed its doors just two years later. TwoMorrows Publishing compiles the best of Simon & Kirby's Mainline comics work, including all of the stories with S&K art, as well as key tales with contributions by Mort Meskin and others. This collection bridges the gap between Simon & Kirby's peak with their 1950s romance comics, and the lows that led to Kirby's resurgence with Challengers of the Unknown and the early Marvel Universe. The Best of Simon & Kirby's Mainline Comics presents some of the final, and finest, work Joe and Jack ever produced!

  • I think I've seen some of this material somewhere, but having it all in one place really would plug a gap in comics history — for everybody, not just me.
  • Of course, I'd rather have comprehensive collections of the four titles. But this is a nice stopgap until somebody makes collections of that nature available.




12198607889?profile=RESIZE_400xStory: G.O. Parsons | Art: Carlos Rod | Cover: Buz Hasson | American Mythology | $4.99

From Willy's Wonderland creator G.O. Parsons and superstar artist Carlos Rod comes a thrill ride story of sci-fi, suspense and horror. Fearing a massive avalanche occurred, a deputy and his family are sent to investigate the welfare of a secluded ski town. Upon arrival, they discover the resort is under deadly assault by a mechanized, militarized, robotic dinosaur. This is the first chapter in an exhilarating 3-part story arc. Get your animatronic atrocities lined up because this one's gonna be a bloodbath!

  • A robot dinosaur? Shades of Robert Kanigher! All we need now is a giant clam!



12198608661?profile=RESIZE_400xStory: Davy Lee | Art/Cover: Luis Santamarine | Scout Comics | $4.99

SCOOT. The tranquility of Benigno's life is shattered by Rodolfo, the cruel Mayor of Santa Ana. In a single night, Benigno's family is torn from him, and the magic his grandmother used to protect him does not go as planned. It summons something no one expected: the spirit of a long-dead philosopher who takes up residence in Benigno's belly and waits to emerge and guide him. By the light of the spirit's lantern, Benigno must follow the winding and treacherous road through forests, across rivers, and to the top of smoky volcanoes if he has any hope of escape!

  • "Scoot" indicates this book is probably for kids, but that cover art is cool and the description sounds imaginative.



12198619076?profile=RESIZE_400x12198619085?profile=RESIZE_180x180Story/Art: Mark Sparacio | American Mythology | $4.99

It's 1938 in Amesbury, England. While performing aerial stunts in the Aerobatique Show for her adoring fans, American Pilot, Samantha "Bombshell" Cartwright's aeroplane is struck by a meteorite. After safely landing her Curtiss P-40, curiosity gets the better of Sam and she goes to investigate the meteor's crash site. What Sam finds is more than she bargained for: an 8-foot-tall Automaton, whom she will eventually call "TommTomm." Not able to communicate, TommTomm becomes Sam's bodyguard as they, along with MI5 agent Terrence Wilkinson and MI5 scientist Professor Graham Rockwell, encounter Nazi spies, ancient religious artifacts and alien races. Bombshell and TommTomm is a fast-paced, action-packed adventure comic, like the kind you used to love. Come along for the ride, you won't be disappointed!   

  • Tom Tom the Robot Man should sue.



12198604078?profile=RESIZE_400xStory/Art: Damian Connelly | Cover: Luis S Ramos | Blood Moon | $4.99

Doctor and researcher, Guillaume Duchenne de Boulogne, became obsessed with smiles. His electrical experiments allowed him to conclude that a truly happy smile is formed not on-ly by the use of the muscles of the mouth but also by those of the eyes. That kind of smile is called a Duchenne smile.

Many researchers have suggested that the Duchenne smile indicates spontaneous and ge-nuine emotion since most people cannot contract the orbicularis muscle at will.

"Duchenne's Smile" is a psychological horror thriller that addresses the traumas of those who, in the abandonment of their own mind, can only glimpse at their dark past.

  • So I can add "Duchenne Smile" to "Cuspid Smile," "Commissure Smile" and "Complex Smile" in my smile vocabulary. Oh, and the "Glasgow Smile." Can't forget that one, even if I wanted to.



12198605465?profile=RESIZE_400x12198605485?profile=RESIZE_180x180Story: Angel Fuentes | Art: Nahuel Sb, Ivonne Falcon, Joey Rodriguez | Cover: Hernan Gonzalez, Juan Gutierrez | $3.99

"A grudge is a terrible thing to die for. ... But a hell of a reason to come back from the dead." Gunbreed is a supernatural western anthology about Powder Cain, a Sheriff who witnesses the killing of his son and the people of his town at the hands of a criminal gang that practices black magic. After coming back from the dead himself, Powder Cain protects his ghost town from demons and monsters creeping from Hell. This issue features the stories "Soul Search," "Night of the Breaker Boys," "Wagon!," and "A Full House of Gods."

  • Something about that first cover makes me think of Tim Truman. Is it an homage?



12198612684?profile=RESIZE_400x12198612696?profile=RESIZE_180x180Story/Art: Jeff McComsey | CEX Publishing | $4.99

One baby. One rifle. Two million zombies! As a zombie apocalypse breaks out in WWII, a Soviet sniper risks her life to protect an innocent baby boy. From Jeff McComsey, the creator behind the hit Mother Russia: Winter Special and introducing rising star guest cover artist Ugis Berzins! Don't miss the retailer incentive cover by Michael Avon Oeming!

  • If you liked Mother Russia: Winter Special, which I did, you might like this. Yes, it's more zombies, but it's Russian zombies!




12198628499?profile=RESIZE_400xStory: Clement Xavier | Art/Cover: Lisa Lugrin | Graphic Universe | $17.99

In the early 20th century, women in England were demanding the right to vote-and often faced violent retaliation. Rather than back down, suffragist group the Women's Social and Political Union formed an all-women security unit. Activist leader Emmeline Pankhurst asked Edith Garrud to train them. These "jujitsuffragettes" fought against abuse and arrest while pursuing long overdue rights.

Edith Garrud was a pioneering instructor of women's self-defense and a pivotal figure in British women's suffrage. This graphic retelling of Garrud's life reveals the resilience and (sometimes physical) resistance of her era's voting-rights activists.

  • This is new information to me. Did this happen in the U.S., too? Fascinating.



12198628673?profile=RESIZE_400xStory: Kevan Stevens | Art/Cover: Jef | Magnetic Press | $29.99

It's 2074, and the Earth is an abused ruin, a landscape of desolation thanks to mankind's inability to live in moderation. Pockets of makeshift civilization are spread out like islands in a sea of wasted misery, a distance that only the craziest and most desperate madmen dare to traverse. Alex and Fonzie are two such individuals, and they are about to take the contract of their lives leading a convoy of misfits and mercenaries on a mission to deliver a cargo of precious medicine across the desolate plain. They'll face lawless hordes and competing agents, and their fleet will winnow before they reach their destination, but none of those opponents will be prepared for Alex and her wily ways.

This is so French-looking! And by that, I mean this "Jef" fellow is doing his best to look like Moebius. Which is fine, because I like Moebius, and Jef does it well. It's almost a genre of its own now.




10993986275?profile=RESIZE_710xStory: Jamie Lee Curtis, Russell Goldman | Art: Karl Stevens | Cover: Karl Stevens | Titan Comics | 184 pages | $29.99

Titan Comics is thrilled to be publishing Mother Nature (July 18, 2023) the terrifying debut eco-horror graphic novel by Hollywood legend Jamie Lee Curtis. Co-written with film-maker Russell Goldman and illustrated by artist Karl Stevens, the book has been adapted from the script for the upcoming Comet Pictures and Blumhouse horror movie Mother Nature, directed by Jamie Lee Curtis.

Nova Terrell who, after witnessing her father die in mysterious circumstances on one of the Cobalt Corporation’s experimental oil extraction projects, has grown up to despise the seemingly benevolent company that the town of Catch Creek, New Mexico, relies on for its jobs and prosperity. The rebellious Nova wages a campaign of sabotage and vandalism against the oil giant, until one night she accidentally makes a terrifying discovery about the true nature of the “Mother Nature” project and the long-dormant, vengeful entity it has awakened that threatens to destroy them all.

“I first thought about this story when I was 19 years old,” says Curtis. “I've always been aware of the very unbalanced relationship between humans and nature, and even though I was young, I always knew that, inevitably, nature would win.”

“I have long admired and collected Karl’s work, and I’m very excited he suggested expanding the idea to turn it into a graphic novel. The partnership with Titan has now given us a wonderful platform to begin to tell our story,” she adds.

“I was immediately blown away by the depth of the characters, the perfect blend of action and gore, the urgent ecological message, and how all these things would translate beautifully into a graphic novel,” says illustrator Karl Stevens. “It's a joy and privilege to work with Titan Comics and Blumhouse on this project. I'm producing the best work of my career!"

“We wanted to reach deeper than the big picture doom-and-gloom of climate change narratives to tell a story specific to Four Corners, New Mexico, an amazing part of the world where every major source of energy is mined, and where the climate and resource crises are acutely felt,” explains Russell Goldman. “We wanted to use these themes to shape a story that feels intense, honest and unexpectedly aspirational.”

With the pressing need for stories that shift our collective attention towards our devastating climate emergency, Titan Comics is proud to be publishing the eco-horror graphic novel Mother Nature.


    • I'm pretty certain without looking that the lead character of this book will be an idealized version of a young Jamie Lee Curtis, while somewhere else in the book there will be a character who looks like current-age Jamie Lee Curtis — just in case this should be turned into, I don't know, a major motion picture. That's not a complaint, just a cynical observation.




12198620471?profile=RESIZE_400xStory/Art: Keum Suk Gendry-Kim | Drawn & Quarterly | $29.95

Critically acclaimed and award-winning cartoonist Keum Suk Gendry-Kim returns with a stunning addition to her body of graphic fiction. Adapted from Park Wan-suh's beloved novel, The Naked Tree paints a stark portrait of a single nation's fabric slowly torn to shreds by political upheaval. Fleshing out the characters in fresh, imaginative ways, and incorporating the original author into the story, Gendry-Kim breathes new life into this Korean classic.

  • Korean stuff is everywhere these days, and we're all richer for it.
  • Here's a preview.



11117309472?profile=RESIZE_400x12198530877?profile=RESIZE_400xStory/Art: Susumu Higa | Fantagraphics | 544 pages | B&W | $29.99

This heartbreaking manga, by an award-winning cartoonist, examines the history of Okinawa and its military occupation. An essential manga classic presented in English for the first time.

A peaceful, independent kingdom until its annexation by the Japanese Empire in the 19th century, Okinawa was the site of the most destructive land battle of the Pacific War. Today, the archipelago is Japan's poorest prefecture and unwilling host to 75% of all U.S. military bases in Japan.

Okinawa brings together two collections of intertwined stories by the island's pre-eminent mangaka, Susumu Higa, which reflect on this difficult history and pull together traditional Okinawan spirituality, the modern-day realities of the continuing U.S. military occupation, and the senselessness of the War. The first collection, Sword of Sand, is a ground-level, unflinching look at the horrors of the Battle of Okinawa. Higa then turns an observant eye to the present-day in Mabui (Okinawan for "spirit"), where he explores how the American occupation has irreversibly changed the island prefecture, through the lens of the archipelago's indigenous spirituality and the central character of the yuta priestess.

Okinawa is a harrowing document of war, but it is also a work which addresses the dreams and the needs of a people as they go forward into an uncertain future, making it essential reading for anyone interested in World War II and its effects on our lives today, as well as anyone with an interest in the people and culture of this fascinating, complicated place. Though the work is thoroughly about one specific locale, the complex relations between Okinawan and Japanese identities and loyalties, between place and history, and between humanity and violence speak beyond borders and across shores.

A Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection.

Please note: This book is a traditional work of manga and reads back to front and right to left.

"There's a lot of potential for this to be taught in high school and university classes as an examination of war, occupation, and tradition. Higa's characters are supremely well-developed for such short vignettes, and their motivations are well-defined for their actions. Higa's monumental work sits firmly among such other notable ruminations on history as Keiji Nakazawa's Barefoot Gen, Shigeru Mizuki's Showa, Art Spiegelman's Maus, and Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis." — Booklist, Starred Review

  • I love that example of the art, but I loved the art in Showa too, and bogged down on that series pretty quickly. (I haven't made it past the first book.) I'm afraid that would happen here, too.
  • According to, this book was delayed for a month because it was originally going to be printed in China, and the People's Republic wanted to censor any mention of Taiwan, and of China's actions in World War II. So Fantagraphics, to its credit, switched from a Chinese printer to a more expensive one elsewhere that made no demands.
  • Speaking of China, I'm sympathetic to Okinawa for not wanting foreign military bases, but they're living in a dangerous neighborhood.



11117310279?profile=RESIZE_400x12198531264?profile=RESIZE_400xStory/Art: Gilbert Hernandez | Fantagraphics | 96 pages | B&W | $24.99

This book presents three Fritz B-movies: One is entirely new, while two of the tales are expanded from their original appearances in the ongoing Love and Rockets comic book series.

The titular story, “Proof That the Devil Loves You,” is a fable about a free spirit, Bula, played by Fritz. Something strange is going on in a town very reminiscent of Palomar. Gisel and Kiki are determined to understand why the hamlet’s residents are acting so foolishly — is it something in the air? And why can’t Gisel leave? But when there’s a violent turn, evidence points toward the supernatural. Then, Fritz plays the role of an “astronette” on an existential journey through space.

Proof That the Devil Loves You is the latest in a series of graphic novels featuring Gilbert Hernandez’s character Fritz, a B-movie actress (and half-sister to his iconic Love and Rockets character, Luba) whose hourglass figure has earned her a cult following. While Gilbert often explores Fritz’s troubled life off-screen in Love and Rockets, for years he has also been “adapting” her exploitation films in various forms, including a series of standalone graphic novels that include Chance in Hell, The Troublemakers, Garden of the Flesh, Maria M. and Hypnotwist/Scarlet By Starlight.

Proof That the Devil Loves You is part of the Love and Rockets series.

"One of the great craftsmen of modern comics." — New York Times Book Review

"Hernandez has become the medium's David Lynch or Guy Maddin, rolling his personal obsessions and freewheeling abstractions into stories that present as pulp, then take some very weird turns." — The A.V. Club

"Gilbert Hernandez is a future greatest living cartoonist. The only question is whether he's already there. His work is routinely vital, groundbreaking, and propulsive." — Tom Spurgeon

  • Honestly, those exaggerated boobs just make me wince every time I see them. That's not an "hourglass figure," that's a disturbing, dehumanizing fetish. No thanks.



12198533097?profile=RESIZE_400x12198533481?profile=RESIZE_400xStory/Art: Don Simpson | Fantagraphics | 96 pages | B&W | $20.00

Never completed and left for dead thirty years ago, comics history’s most famous derelict masterpiece — Image Comics’ legendary 1963 by Alan Moore, Steve Bissette, and Rick Veitch — is finally given the unceremonious, irreverent and completely unauthorized 72-page King-Size Annual climax everyone was promised but no one ever asked for!

Don Simpson, master of superhero parody (creator of Megaton Man and Splitting Image and original letterer, inker and logo designer of 1963) brings to life the avatars of the Little Comics Group That Could in satirical form — as avatars of avatars. They’re all here: Cyclobster, Black Bug, Psychic Psquid, Dr. UG, Helldiver, Limber Lass, Moonrock, and more — and if you don’t recognize the names, you’ll dig the thinly-disguised archetypes! With cameos by the Big Bang Universe, refugees from In Pictopia, and even Megaton Man and friends!

Written, drawn and hand-lettered in an authentic Old School manner, X-Amount is just enough to satisfy! A comic for the ages that may finish off the Silver Age once and for all! For sophisticated readers.

  • Hmm. This is happening, I guess.



Ahoy Comics alert: BLACK’S MYTH: KEY TO HIS HEART #3 (OF 6).



It's a big week for Antarctic Press, with eight releases, including COCAINE KAIJU SKETCHBOOK 8 BALL PACK, HORROR COMICS #26, JUNGLE COMICS #19, KAMEN AMERICA: SUCCESS & NOBLENESS ONE-SHOT, MANGA Z #14, MARY MACHINEGUN #1 (OF 4), NINJA HIGH SCHOOL #189 and TOMORROW GIRL #2. I don't read any of them; it's just notable that they're all out in one week.

Fantagraphics' STARSEEDS VOL 3 HC promises "If Jack Kirby was resurrected and set about writing a sacred text after dropping acid ..." I'm not sure that's altogether a good thing. Here's a preview.

Humanoids is dropping a GN about a famous band titled ALL TOMORROW'S PARTIES: THE VELVET UNDERGROUND STORY HC. 

Valor and Ghost Fox appear in Archie's WORLD OF BETTY & VERONICA JUMBO COMICS DIGEST #28.

Here's a preview of Titan's BLADE RUNNER 2039 #6 (OF 12).

Here's a preview of Titan's RIVERS OF LONDON: HERE BE DRAGONS #2 (OF 4).

Here's a preview of Silver Sprocket's OF THUNDER AND LIGHTNING.


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  • "An era of Captain America ends while new eras of Thor, Jean Grey and others begin."

    Let us hope they will be better than the ones we have seen lately.

    "'Jean Grey, the heart of the X-Men ...' Funny, I always thought of Cyclops as the heart of the X-Men"

    I'll accept Jean Grey as the heart of the X-Men; Cyclops is the soul.

    "How many other superheroes are best known by their real name?"

    A lot if they're not the original... John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Conner Hawke...

    "I'd rather have comprehensive collections of the four titles."

    The copy does say: "TwoMorrows Publishing compiles the best of Simon & Kirby's Mainline comics work, including all of the stories with S&K art, as well as key tales with contributions by Mort Meskin and others." how spoiled have we become? 


    Hmm... interesting.

  • I can't say I've ever been a big Penguin fan

    Burgess Meredith Penguin is Best Penguin.

  • I'll accept Jean Grey as the heart of the X-Men; Cyclops is the soul.

    Or maybe Jean's the "Hot" of the X-Men (in a '60s miniskirt) while Cyclops is the "Sole" (since the writers walk all over him).

    But seriously, writers tried to take "soul" away from him too (and give it to Wolverine, of course) with:

    • "AvX," with Scott's (temporary) murder of Professor X, for which he was held accountable, despite it obviously being mind control/the Phoenix in charge, and which somehow conferred Scott's status as Xavier's surrogate son to Wolverine, despite Logan's history of being disrespectful to "Chuck" and his dream, and
    • "Schism," where Scott does a heel turn and goes all in on Magneto's dream, while, perversely, Magneto was working with the X-Men on Xavier's dream, and also conveniently leaving the X-Men leadership position open for Wolverine -- while Storm doesn't make a peep, although she was quick to take leadership away from Cyclops for somewhat fuzzy reasons.

    Can you tell I'm a little annoyed about all this? Cyclops has always been my favorite X-Man -- he is to the X-Men what Captain America is to the Avengers, IMHO. But writers from Claremont to the present have done all they can to invert his alignment, diminish his status, sully his character (the above, plus abandoning his wife and son for the first X-Factor series, which is unforgiveable, and also have him cheat on Jean with, of all people, the White Queen) and otherwise make him irrelevant. While, as I mentioned, adding insult to injury by doing their best to sort of re-invent characterization so that Wolverine is Mr. X-Man, despite being historically and temperamentally unsuited for the role. (But oh, those sales figures when Logan's on the cover!) During the Krakoa era, Scott was written to share his girlfriend with Logan, a polyamorous scenario that is out of character for all three characters. But it cements Wolverine's central role and diminishes Scott's, which has been the pattern since Cyclops implausibly walked off the team without any of his friends trying to help him with his grief (suuuuure) in X-Men #138.

    Anyway, one thing I think is still fair to say, despite all the revisions of his character, is that Scott is stil the strategist and tactician of the X-Men -- the "mind," if you will. 

    A lot if they're not the original ... John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Conner Hawke ...

    I think there are mitigating factors for most of those, but what the heck, I'll rephrase to eliminate most of them: "How many superheroes went by a code name for 10 or more years, but are now just known by their civilian name?" Sam Wilson might fall into that category, but not for me, since he's "Falcon" or "Captain America" in my head. I haven't thought of him as "Sam" ever since that "Snap Wilson" business muddied the waters. But I haven't read Captain America regularly for more than a decade, so my opinion may be out of date.

    How spoiled have we become? 

    Very! At least speaking for myself. I want everything! Moo-hoo-ha-haaaaaa!

    Burgess Meredith Penguin is Best Penguin.

    Who would have guessed, when we were watching Batman in the late '60s, that we were already watching the best Penguin? While I appreciate what Tim Burton tried to do in Batman Returns, he basically invented a new character who just happened to call himself by an existing name. Although I do hold out hope for the Colin Farrell version -- Penguin makes more sense as a mob boss than as a bird-themed supervillain with trick umbrellas (why umbrellas?), and integrates more easily into the Gotham criminal landscape. Plus, you know, Colin Farrell. 

  • "Can you tell I'm a little annoyed about all this?"

    I can. Cyclops has always been my favorite X-Man, too. Those stories sound awful. I'm glad I didn't read them; that makes them easier for me to dismiss.

  • When I stopped buying comics* in 1979, the new X-Men (Storm et al) had just started. By the time I came back to buying comics in 1989, I decided against the X-Men because of all the accumulated baggage. Nothing has made me regret this. 

     *I never stopped reading the Comic Buyer’s Guide and enjoyed the X-Men movies. When Storm (Halle Berry) said “hold onto something” I was hooked.

  • I started reading later than you, and while I see Cyclops as the X-Men's best tactician, I've always thought Storm was the heart of the X-Men.

    As for Jean, she was never alive and on the team when I was reading current issues, though I read the Death of Phoenix at the time too, and she came back in X-Factor before I gave up on the books. But she's never been the *anything* of the X-Men to me, except the fallen hero.

    Donna Troy seems to be the main counterpart to Jean in mostly going by her real name (or Troia, which comes and goes) now, after years of being Wonder Girl.

    And I'm totally with you regarding Gilbert Hernandez. I love those old Palomar stories, but I couldn't read these Fritzi stories without wincing,  so I stopped. 

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