For months now, fans have wondered what the next big BATMAN event following the acclaimed “Death of the Family” would be.
This morning, DC Comics answered their question. Kicking off this spring, BATMAN: ZERO YEAR is an epic and grand 11-issue arc that chronicles the untold details of the Dark Knight’s origin story within DC COMICS-THE NEW 52.
“It’s not ‘let’s redo the origin.’ It’s time for a new story showing how Batman became who he is in the New 52,” series writer Scott Snyder explained. “We tried to preserve as much of Batman’s history as we could and keep what we could of this history intact. It’s ‘The Zero Year,’ the one that no one has told the story of before. We see how Bruce became the Batman, built the cave, faced off with his first super villain … It’s time for a new story showing how Batman became who he is in The New 52. It builds up the mythology.”
Illustrated by series artist Greg Capullo, BATMAN: ZERO YEAR begins in June’s BATMAN #21. Attached for inclusion in your coverage, please find Capullo’s cover for BATMAN #21. Please credit this image as courtesy of DC Entertainment. For more information, please visit DC Comics’ official blog, THE SOURCE.
This may turn out to be excellent, but 11 issues? Sometimes I think DC should just bring back original graphic novels to let writers scratch their long story itch (JMS books don't count!); I want monthlies to concentrate on one and two-parters, giving us a wide variety of characters, settings and stories.
I realise that creators these days are encouraged not to give their 'best ideas' to the Big Two, but heck, if you're working on Batman, why would you not wish to contribute some new things to the playbox. Has any creative team since Alan Grant and Norm Breyfogle injected a big batch of new characters into Gotham, eg Mr Zsasz, Anarchy, Scarface ...
Um ... this is a story that no one has told the story of before, but it includes how Bruce became The Batman, how he built the cave, and him facing off with his first super villain?
I'm sure I've read those stories before ...
That was last week's version of Batman. We're talking about this week's version of Batman now.
Get with the program, will ya?
Just like I don't need another origin of Superman (or Spider-Man,), I also don't need another origin of Batman. I know the origin. I also don't need it to be told over 11 issues. Looks like I get to easily reduce my pull list for a while.
Yeah. Batmatt Beyond used to say that DC worries far too much about re-telling origins, and not enough about coming up with good new stories.
To paraphrase the She-Hulk: “‘Batman Zero Year,’ huh? Frank Miller did that 27 years ago. And better.”
Ha! Yeah...I will be skipping this one too. Batman was one of my few remaining DC books.
Doctor Hmmm? said:
I love how Snyder says he isn't retelling the origin when that's exactly what he's doing.
I continue to be one of the few unimpressed by what I've seen of Snyder so far.
I love American Vampire, Randy -- have you given it a try?
Wandering Sensei: Emeritus said:
Wait a minute -- "Zero Year" isn't a standalone miniseries? It's running in the regular Batman title the way "Year One" and "Year Two" did?