
  • Rest in peace, Harvey. You'll be missed.
  • Sad news. He seemed so resilient, I thought he'd go on forever.
  • From the Associated Press: "Pekar had been suffering from prostate cancer, asthma, high blood pressure and depression, according to (Cleveland Heights police Capt. Michael) Cannon."

  • Oh, man. I'm sorry to hear that.
  • That's a shame - makes me want to go drag out my copy of The Quitter.
  • I just remembered -- we share a birthday. He was exactly 30 years older than me.
  • Like Mark Sullivan, I thought he would just go on forever. So sad.
  • NPR's "Fresh Air" is devoting its show tomorrow (July 16) to Pekar.
  • George said:
    NPR's "Fresh Air" is devoting its show tomorrow (July 16) to Pekar.

    Thanks for the heads-up!
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