
  • ...A fubar happened with the initial link of this , but the version below it is copacetic.........
  • Good article, albeit depressing. Nothing I haven't seen before, but it's still a good reality check.
  • The Beat had a follow up to that story telling how the Village Voice doesn't pay a lot of their own artists, as the exposure they get should be payment enough. Story here

  • Travis Herrick said:
    The Beat had a follow up to that story telling how the Village Voice doesn't pay a lot of their own artists, as the exposure they get should be payment enough. Story here
    ...In partial , anyway , defense of the Voice/Weekly Media , the version of the srticle I read did say , in the text of the article itself , that the Voice had gotten the interior illustrations in the piece ( The cover as well ? ) by laying the old " No money , but think of the exposure ! " riff upon the artists , comments upon the article also saying this . Did the artists , then , keep 100% rights to the drawing & to the physical original art , anyway ?
      You mean what the present-day Voice pays for their regular strips & illos , assuming they still have some , Travis ?
  • Mark Sullivan said:
    Good article, albeit depressing. Nothing I haven't seen before, but it's still a good reality check.

    What he said. I remember that Jules Pfeiffer had worked for The Village Voice for years, and they eventually cut him -- but still picked up his cartoons from a syndicate because it was cheaper that way!
  • Well, well, well ... 


    "Village Voice Blasted for Not Paying ‘Comics Issue’ Contributors"



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