It all started here...




And it ends here...




Seems like a nice bookend.  Anyway...not to panic anyone (especially my local shop owner...hi, Doug)...I'll still be at the store every Wednesday to pick up some comics...but I'm not keeping any floppies anymore for myself.  The girls have a short box (no bags) in their room full of Disney, Archie, DC and other comics and I'll still be getting the monthly issues of Tiny Titans, Betty, etc for them.  But any other series I'm reading now...the issues will go to the local school, my hospital waiting areas, our babysitters, the neighbor kids, or family members...I just can't bag another comic...I hate doing it...I've always hated doing it...but it seemed like something, as a comics fan, you were supposed to do.  No more. 


For me, it's collections and trades only for stuff I know I'll want to read again someday...Batwoman, Batman, Inc., Mystery Society, Usagi Yojimbo, Life with Archie, and a few others. 


Whew...I feel better already.

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  • Good for you!
  • Yep, it does feel good.  I don't get the longboxes, I use plastic totes (oh HEAVENS!  Not PLASTIC!), and I gave up bagging the floppies years ago.  I quit after I realized that, no matter how valuable any issue I had might be, I'd never sell them.  I'll hand them down to my kids, but dang it, these books are meant to read, to be ENJOYED.  You can't do that if they're in a plastic slab.
  • Ha! I have never ever bagged or boarded a single comic book. Don't know your pain, but I'm glad it's over.
  • I actually remove boards from all my comics (that come with boards) and use them to draw on. Except the boards that are glossy on both sides ... boy do I hate them!


  • I'll have an announcement along these lines to make in a couple of weeks...
  • Mark S. Ogilvie said:

      I'm going to keep at it.  When the apes dig up my house in the far future they'll find my bones next to my bagged and boarded collection!


    Cornelius: What are you doing?

    Taylor: Reconstructing a past life. You say these things were found at the same level as that doll? Whoever owned them must have been in pretty bad shape. He wore false teeth. And eyeglasses. He had a failing heart. Towards the end, he... had this prefabricated valve put in it. I don't say he was a man like I knew at home, but he must have been a close relative. He had all the same weaknesses. He was a weak, fragile animal. But he was here before you. And he was better than you are! And he had comic books!

  • Jeff of Earth-J said:
    I'll have an announcement along these lines to make in a couple of weeks...
  • Good for you, Doc. No sense doing it if you dread it so much.


    I actually enjoy bagging my comics. Its something that takes maybe an hour every 1 1/2- 2 months. I enjoy sorting my boxes. I enjoy putting things in alphabetical order. As long as it doesn't take up too much of my time.

  • *yawn*
  • Doctor Zaius: But are they Pre-Crisis?

    Doctor Hmmm? said:
    Mark S. Ogilvie said:

      I'm going to keep at it.  When the apes dig up my house in the far future they'll find my bones next to my bagged and boarded collection!


    Cornelius: What are you doing?

    Taylor: Reconstructing a past life. You say these things were found at the same level as that doll? Whoever owned them must have been in pretty bad shape. He wore false teeth. And eyeglasses. He had a failing heart. Towards the end, he... had this prefabricated valve put in it. I don't say he was a man like I knew at home, but he must have been a close relative. He had all the same weaknesses. He was a weak, fragile animal. But he was here before you. And he was better than you are! And he had comic books!
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