DC's Stargirl
On May 19, one day after streaming on DC Universe, Stargirl will debut on The CW broadcast channels in Flash's time slot.
Read more…On May 19, one day after streaming on DC Universe, Stargirl will debut on The CW broadcast channels in Flash's time slot.
Read more…There are also discussions about the 60s JLA/JSA team-ups and the 70s JLA/JSA team-ups so feel free to read, comment or add on to those as well!
JUSTICE LEAGUE # 183-185 (O-D'80): Where Have All The New Gods Gone?/ Apokolips Now!/Darkseid Rising!
Read more…I haven't been reading the books since Johns left, so I'm curious: Why did the JSA split into two groups? Was it the standard Outsiders/Cry For Justice rationale: "You're not proactive enough, so we're striking out on our own," or is there a differen
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