ANOTHER supposedly "Proactive" superteam? Just last month Jordan was bravely pontificating about Going Proactive because The Stakes Are Higher! Not to mention the Outsiders. Does DC really think the readers aren't aware that they're retooling the exact same ideas over and over again?
DC Comics are slowly becoming a twisted parody of themselves. They've trivialized death so badly that it became an actual plot point in their latest World-Shattering Event (!!), their lack of ideas for what to do with their teams is so extreme that they just publish various books with the same premise in hopes that at least one will stick, they're embracing Ross' Kingdom Come future because nothing better occurs to them... at this point they're just hoping that the readers won't notice their creative bankrupcy.
Plus the team just split up during the Gog storyline not that long ago. I will see what it looks like in previews and make my final decision on what I see, and what the first arc is about.
A bad idea when written by a bad writer can be a good idea when written by a great writer. I'll reserve judgment until I've read a couple of issues by Willingham and Sturges. Maybe they can make this canard work where so many others have failed before.
DC Comics are slowly becoming a twisted parody of themselves. They've trivialized death so badly that it became an actual plot point in their latest World-Shattering Event (!!), their lack of ideas for what to do with their teams is so extreme that they just publish various books with the same premise in hopes that at least one will stick, they're embracing Ross' Kingdom Come future because nothing better occurs to them... at this point they're just hoping that the readers won't notice their creative bankrupcy.
The writers aren't given any incentive to come up with new concepts that DC will continue to benefit from after said writers have moved on.
The big two's 'You Own Diddly' approach to creative ownership is starting to look like a footbullet coated with slow-acting poison from where I sit.
I love that simile. :)