When a thread gets long enough will it eventually start a new page, or will we have to scroll down for half an hour to get to the new replies? Or is that something that can be set up from the users end or from the moderators end? Thanks,

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  • It'll go to a new page.

    If you look at the Testing a Discussion Thread, um, thread, you'll see at the bottom the page numbers 1 and 2 (I don't think it's gone to three yet), with the one you're on in black and bold, and the other page(s) as red hyperlinks in a box.
  • Alan is correct. If you click on the "Last Reply by" link, it takes you right to the last post made.
  • As long as we're on the topic, there's a discussion amongst the mods as to whether to set the default to thread the discussions as they are currently here, or to make them "flat" like they are at the old board.

    • Testing this. If I post here, does it stay embedded in Rich's post?
  • I'm old fashioned, but I prefer the "flat" look with quoting capabilities. For example, here, I'm just replying to the main post and not embedding my response to Rich's question.
    • Here, I'll change it to flat and we'll see how that looks.
  • I just changed it to Flat. How's this?
  • I think I prefer Flat, too...
  • Actually, I should amend that -- I think I prefer flat if we can quote. Without that, it might make more sense to thread.

    Another question: I see that I can sort the forum by latest activity, but is there any way to sort it by latest UNREAD activity? I found that feature really useful on the old boards.
  • This is a case where the majority of folks who pipe up will rule, I guess.
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