
  • Wow. 

    I well remember David Soul from Starsky & Hutch, which had a new theme in each of its four seasons. The Season 2 and 4 theme (Season 4 was a remix of Season 2) were among the coolest TV themes ever.

    Season 1:



    Season 2:


    Season 3:


    Season 4:


    Unfortunately, critics tore him apart when he dared to do a TV show based on Casablanca. NBC canceled it after five episodes.

  • I never saw Starsky & Hutch, but my best friend in high school named his dog "Starsky."

    I do remember David Soul from Star Trek, howevr.


  • I never watched Starsky and Hutch.

    "The Apple" was one of the few Star Trek episodes I didn't enjoy. Not his fault.

    In one of the earliest Stephen King adaptations, the 'Salem's Lot miniseries, still one of my favorites, he played protagonist Ben Mears in the battle against very sneaky vampires.

    In the second Dirty Harry movie, Magnum Force, he played one of a gang of cops who felt justified in murdering unarmed bad guys they thought should be in jail. Harry wasn't happy with that.

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