
  • After fighting against it for years, her cancer came back, in the base of her spine.

    Grease was a good movie that ended with an unfortunate message, * though not as unfortunate as Pretty Woman. **

    My Olivia Newton-John movie was Xanadu (1980). Nobody seems to know that it is about the Muses of Greek mythology. Olivia played one of them, probably Terpsichore. Her character inspired the Gene Kelly character and the Michael Beck character, decades apart. This ties in with my later discovery of The Sandman, who's wife was the muse Calliope. 

    * You can get the guy by smoking and acting slutty.

    ** Hooking is a viable, safe career path that could land you a millionaire (one who can't get a date).

  • My buddies and I were all in love with her back in the Seventies. May she rest in peace.

  • Richard Willis said:

    My Olivia Newton-John movie was Xanadu (1980). Nobody seems to know that it is about the Muses of Greek mythology. Olivia played one of them, probably Terpsichore. Her character inspired the Gene Kelly character and the Michael Beck character, decades apart. This ties in with my later discovery of The Sandman, who's wife was the muse Calliope. 

    Although Xanadu is maligned as one of the worst films ever, and I'm sure it has not aged well, I kind of liked it. And yes, Olivia Newton-John played Terpsichore.

    This this tune from Xanadu has been running through my mind ever since we got the sad news about her loss.

  • I don't know anyone from 6 to 60 who didn't have a crush on her back in the day. I was surprised she was 73, I didn't think she was that old.

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