The producer of the legendary "Superman Lives" movie, starring Nic Cage, written by Kevin Smith and directed by Tim Burton, is raising money to produce a documentary about the failed production. He's using a fund-raising site here.
He was trying to make it in the late 1990s, when the notion of Superman wearing a mullet was an actually acceptable thing.
To spur your eager donations, he's also produced a trailer, complete with a few shots of Cage in a Superman suit and even flying.
Words can't describe it, so you have to go see it.
I think I would have loved to hate this movie.
-- MSA
If you can't wait for this documentary to be finished, here's Kevin Smith telling an audience about his role in the proceedings over here: "How Producer Jon Peters and a Giant Spider Nearly Ruined Superman"*
*Cited here in the thread "What's Wrong With DC Superhero Movies?"
Don't forget about the polar bear!
And Superman had guards at his Fortress of Solitude!
I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit.
...But MSA ~ It might've had Superman getting married !!!!!!!!! Or maybe not , so.........
One look at that still photo tells me all I need to know. Try as I might, I never could picture Nick Cage as Superman. Now that I’ve seen that photo, well… nothing in my wildest imagination could compare to that.
nothing in my wildest imagination could compare to that.
Not even this?
Or this?
Not considering the script, I think Nick Cage would have done his best on Superman. After all, he named himself after Luke Cage and named his son Kal-El.
This is less disturbing if we just keep telling ourselves it's a joke picture.
Frankly Paul Lynde made a much better Superman in an episode of Bewitched. We could really use a Superman that clearly enjoys using his powers.