Tom King Batman

I like everything by Tom King I've ever read, but I'm unsure about his Batman. I'm not a huge fan of Batman in the first place, and I definitely do not like the DC post-Flashpoint/New 52/Rebirth universe, yet King has written quite a lengthy run, available in severl tpbs or two hardcovers. So I am soliciting opinions from those who have read it. Talk me into it or talk me out of it.


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    • I don't think anyone has mentioned his Human Target maxiseries. I enjoyed it, and someone more invested in the DC Universe would probably like it even more.

    • Oh, thanks Mark. I didn't know about that one.

    • I'm tradewaiting a complete HC. They've done two partial HCs (with six issues each), but I want the whole enchilada in one package. I'm looking forward to it.

  • I followed all of King's Batman run, and enjoyed it -- some parts more than others. (There's a set of stories sometime after issue 50 that are all basically dream sequences, and while some of them are entertaining, on a bi-weekly basis it sure was a slog of treading water.)

    That said, I've never gotten around to finishing it with the Batman/Catwoman series! I was buying the Batman comics on paper, but by Bat/Cat, I decided to just read them on DCUI... and I still haven't. 

    I liked a lot of the Batman/Catwoman relationship issues, particularly the double date with Superman and Lois. But there's one recurring motif that really annoyed me -- they argue about whether they first met on a boat, or on the streets, or something like that, and it just gets circular with no real conclusion (in the parts I've read, that is). Part of it seems to be a nod to the shifting continuity of their characters, but it got pretty tedious to read. 

    That said, I'll be rereading this eventually. 

  • I did read the (non)wedding and a few of the issues leading up to it,  but I guess I didn't realize I was reading Tom King at the time. I actually liked the bit about them "misremembering" how they "first" met; I thought it was very metatextual for those of in in on the joke. Perhaps it would have grown tedious if King kept it up and I had read more than that one scene. 

  • "I don't think anyone has mentioned his Human Target maxiseries. I enjoyed it, and someone more invested in the DC Universe would probably like it even more."

    Another one I intentionally skipped. Tom King writes a lot of stuff, I'd be interested in if Tom King didn't write it.

  • I liked a lot of the Batman/Catwoman relationship issues, particularly the double date with Superman and Lois. But there's one recurring motif that really annoyed me -- they argue about whether they first met on a boat, or on the streets, or something like that, and it just gets circular with no real conclusion (in the parts I've read, that is). Part of it seems to be a nod to the shifting continuity of their characters, but it got pretty tedious to read. 

    Agreed completely. Cute at first, but it got old.

    • Yep! I really liked it until he rode that horse into the ground. 

      That may be why I tend to like his limited series better than his Batman run (and I do tend to really like them). They stop before they become parodies of themselves. 


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