Over 100 government info comics free to peruse
http://contentdm.unl.edu/cdm4/browse.php?CISOROOT=/comics Yeah! Smokey the Bear comics!
Read more…http://contentdm.unl.edu/cdm4/browse.php?CISOROOT=/comics Yeah! Smokey the Bear comics!
Read more…http://www.comicsalliance.com/2009/07/13/the-greatest-marvel-fan-film-of-all-time/ This is pretty darn cool...
Read more…I don't want to trivialize real events, but it seems right that this comic should hit the stands as so many in Iran fight for their vote to be heard and respected... Anyway, while Steve doesn't make his big return in this issue (we gotta wait two we
Read more…An offensive Rip-off Not only is he rightly insulted that someone took his art, erased his signature and printed these without his knowledge. He is also offended at the fact they somehow are doing it to honor Kirby, a man who fought for recognitio
Read more…What are the five to ten comics (individual issues or titles) that sucked you into the habit? Which stories made you say, "Hey, I wanna read more of these!"? For me: Disney comics (Donald Duck, Uncle Scrooge, Mickey Mouse): These probably started i
Read more…http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=22116 I am looking forward to Spider-Woman...I admit it...
Read more…http://www.kidjutsu.com/ Lots of great comics to sample...all of them are all-ages...
Read more…I'm not sure if anyone else here follows the Supernatural Law webcomic, but... Is it just me, or has the current storyline, about Leon the werewolf, been going on for a REALLY LONG TIME? I'd been away from the strip for at least month, and when I ju
Read more…http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=21603 Hmmm...Spidey classified until next Monday? Will Cap be making appearances...written by Mark Waid? A guy can hope. The new Captain America trade has an NPR quote on the cover...go NPR!
Read more…Can you help me find which Marvel comics featured the Soviet Super Soldiers as antagonists? Based on the recommendation of the Legion, I bought Marvel Team-Up Annual #2. It sounded like it might have been the right issue but it wasn't. The Super Sold
Read more…Rich Johnston's got his...but what do you think will happen in Captain America #600 and Reborn #1? A new new Captain America? The return of Steve Rogers? Something else altogether? I don't have a full idea myself, but I think the Bucky Cap has prove
Read more…First off...I'm getting all of the little Halloween packs of mini-comics...trick or treaters in our neighborhood LOVE these things. Dark Horse Beasts of Burden #1 - I love these Evan Dorkin/Jill Thompson "pet investigators of the supernatural" stor
Read more…http://www.newsarama.com/comics/090720-dc-october-09-solicitation.html Just in time for my 40th birthday...the last issue of Planetary!
Read more…Okay, now I'm confused. Later this month, Incredible Hulk #600 is coming out. I had thought that the Hulk series was taking over the numbering, as it were, of the previous Hulk series, but as I look at things, that doesn't appear to be the case, wha
Read more…I was filling out my Previews order form today (finally), and saw the Marvel is rolling out the reboot of the Ultimate line. I also saw that they were being priced at $3.99. I, personally, had a mild interest in the new line, but the price was the de
Read more…I love Dorkin and Jill Thompson's stories about a group of neighborhood pets who stop metaphysical creatures as seen in the Dark Horse Books of Hauntings, Monsters, etc. Now, they're getting their own mini in September and Evan is asking folks to pr
Read more…http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=21999 So, Luke Skywalker's mama as Nurse Jane. What do you think about that?
Read more…I love Wolverine: First Class because it takes me back to the tail end of "my" era of the X-Men. Of course this also means I'm hypersensitive to errors that creep in. For instance, in #15 as Kitty harangues Logan incessantly, one of the things she sa
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