Get Your Mind Out of the Comics!
I love it whan a non-comics related item triggers my comics fan synapses. For example, I just checked in a book by Robert Bork, and all I can think is "...But Bork Can Hurt YOU!!!" :)
Read more…I love it whan a non-comics related item triggers my comics fan synapses. For example, I just checked in a book by Robert Bork, and all I can think is "...But Bork Can Hurt YOU!!!" :)
Read more…...has there ever been a story that touches on how he feels about Captain America? It would seem to me that a man known for helping stop Hitler would be someone hard for Magneto to fight against...he would, you would think, at least be a bit conflict
Read more…Here's my first entry on this side of the aisle: Best cover: Air #10. The shame of it is, the logo (missing here) is par of what's so cool about the cover. On the published version, it's sinking into the sea, and you can see its reflection.
Read more…I'm thinking about starting a Librarians group. But I see there's a bunch of settings that have to be made at the beginning, and can't be modified later. So how have the other groups been set up?
Read more…I was able to pick this up at Von's Comics during a visit to Purdue this afternoon and, boy, it is tons of fun. All of it is beautiful to look at, but, so far, I'm most looking forward to reading the next installment the Catwoman/Demon strip. My favo
Read more…I was reading some old Marvel Two-in-Ones earlier this weekend. They were from 1980 and I also read the letters pages. In one issue, a fan complained about characters coming back from the dead (in this case, Spider-Man villain Electro). In another, a
Read more…I've been reading the various 70th anniversary issues featuring the Timely golden age heroes to various degrees of satisfaction, but the one that actually made me grin from the pure fun it evokes is the one featuring the least known of all the charac
Read more… This is the first of, I think, a two part interview with Brian Michael Bendis about his decade at Marvel. It's a good interview and, no matter what you think of his writing, he always seems
Read more…So reading the review (or at least the comments) of Superman # whatever-the-current-issue-is, and Cap's thoughts about Mon-El taking on the name Jonathan Kent, I just can't help but wonder... Conner Kent, Kara Kent, Jonathan Kent... It's a nice sent
Read more…Hawkeye's always been problematic with me. He's a great character, possibly the first a--hole hero of the Silver Age, but his costume is ugly as all get out. Well, not the entire costume; it's the mask that's just plain ridiculous. Those eye-wings ar
Read more… The writer behind the AWESOME Patsy Walker, Hellcat mini (collected and in shops today!) and the new Runaways reveals all!
Read more…Possibly for the first time in the 70 plus years of its existence, Detective Comics was the best selling comic in April. Pretty cool, but not shocking, after all, it was the conclusion of Neil Gaiman's "Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?" and t
Read more…So Boom Studios has been doing well so far with its Disney-licensed comics. The Muppet Show, The Incredibles, Cars are all out now... They'll be doing Toy Story, Mickey Mouse, and Donald Duck books soon... So what other Disney properties would you l
Read more…I've set up an RSS feed there with posts from The Kirby Project blog...really fun art inspired by the King!
Read more…Back in the day, when ever the original Human Torch or Johnny Storm would flame on, they were always draw with dozens of straight lines across their forms. That particular aspect of their appearances has long since been retired, but I've always wonde
Read more…Did you ever pass over a book because it just didn't look appealing, read that it's canceled sometime later, then find that it was written by someone you now really enjoy? I was looking at an old house ad for the volume of Swamp Thing that centered
Read more…I'm starting to pack books for our family vacation...The Strain by del Toro and Hogan, Killing Floor by Lee Child, the last two Paul Dini Batman collections, a bunch of magazines (The New Republic, Wired)...and as I was going through my "not read yet
Read more…Planetary #27 to ship in October. What other signs of the apocalypse can we expect to see?
Read more… The link to the chapter is at the bottom under the blog entry right under the picture of the book. I read it. It was pretty good. I'll be getting this when it comes out.
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