
  • I guess it will be at the massive Warner Brothers Studios.

  • Hey, if it was good enough for Johnny Carson ... 

  • Western (Gold Key) had a west coast office (as well as an east coast one, apparently). I've read somewhere that this gave it access to the artists who work on the coast.

  • Wildstorm was based out of San Diego for a long time as well.  They folded up that office a few years after being incorporated into DC.  I guess the leftover Wildstorm people get to move again. 

  • This is what writer Steven Grant posted on Facebook a few hours ago (can't imagine he'd mind being quoted here):

    The upcoming DC Comics move to Burbank CA from their longstanding home in NYC is... pretty much irrelevant. Sure, it's saying NYC isn't the be-all & end-all of comics publishing anymore, but it hasn't been since the Internet & very capable computers all but put fax & FedEx out of business. DC, like Marvel, has largely stayed in NYC because it was a symbol of being a True Publisher, but, really, who gives a rat's ass anymore? Short of it is once the expense of the move is taken care of, it'll cost the company a lot less to be in Burbank than in Manhattan, which will make the bottom line just a little smaller, which will ultimately be good for the company. Beyond that... it shouldn't make any difference to freelancers at all, unless they live in NYC... Interesting to see the triumph of practicality over tradition, but aside from that, what's the difference?

  • It may make less difference than it once would have done, but I would think how much personal contact there is between creators and editors, and how much contact between the creators, plays a role in how good the comics are.

  • How much did DC do at the NYC Comic-Con? It will certainly decrease their costs of having a booth at San Diego. Maintaining offices in Manhattan is incredibly expensive.

  • Contact's important, but I think attentive online & phone contact can do the job just as well as face to face. 

    DC's presence was smaller at NYCC than usual; they didn't have a booth this year, but had some Superman costume exhibits. A lot of creators & some editors were there, but at no centralized location.

  • I know DC had a full-scale booth at WonderCon in Anaheim and of course (though I didn't attend) San Diego in 2012. Maybe they just stored the booth out here rather than dragging it back-and-forth 3,000 miles.

  • I wonder how the workers will feel moving all the way across the country?

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