Happy Birthday, Mister Silver Age! May you wake up in a world where Superboy was Superman as a teen, Hawkman came from Thanagar, Luthor was always a criminal scientist and the Joker wasn't a homicidal maniac!
It's been a long-standing tradition here at the Mr. Age Forum to not only wish the Aged one a happy birthday, but to also lavish him with Silvery gifts. Keeping that tradition alive, I've once again pain-stakingly dug up three great Silver Age comic books for you. Well, not the comics themselves, but the covers. Well, not the covers themselves, but digital images of the covers (courtesy as usual by the GCD). The theme, I think, will become apparent fairly quickly, especially given that I was inspired by the image that my pal Hoy posted up top.
Thanks, everyone! Thanks for remembering and starting the thread, Hoy!
It's good you didn't spring for those three issues for me, Dave (the notion you would have done that kinda makes my head spin), as I've got them all safety tucked away in my boxes. He certainly doesn't age well, does he? Although I'm like Superman at least in hair color, which is making me a more accurate Mr. Silver Age than I used to be.
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, Craig!
Happy Birthday! Hope it's a good one.
Happy birthday, Mr SA.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Mister Silver Age! May you wake up in a world where Superboy was Superman as a teen, Hawkman came from Thanagar, Luthor was always a criminal scientist and the Joker wasn't a homicidal maniac!
It's been a long-standing tradition here at the Mr. Age Forum to not only wish the Aged one a happy birthday, but to also lavish him with Silvery gifts. Keeping that tradition alive, I've once again pain-stakingly dug up three great Silver Age comic books for you. Well, not the comics themselves, but the covers. Well, not the covers themselves, but digital images of the covers (courtesy as usual by the GCD). The theme, I think, will become apparent fairly quickly, especially given that I was inspired by the image that my pal Hoy posted up top.
Happy birthday, Mr. Age!
Thanks, everyone! Thanks for remembering and starting the thread, Hoy!
It's good you didn't spring for those three issues for me, Dave (the notion you would have done that kinda makes my head spin), as I've got them all safety tucked away in my boxes. He certainly doesn't age well, does he? Although I'm like Superman at least in hair color, which is making me a more accurate Mr. Silver Age than I used to be.
-- MSA
...A belated " me , too " . Happy Birthday !