I'm curious--do you refrigerate ketchup/Catsup or not?
I'll start. My family stored the condiment properly, as God inteit, in a room temperature kitchen cabinet. That's how you bought it at the grocery store, and by gum that is how we ate it. Since it was mostly going to be used on hot foods like hot dogs, hamburgers and fries, it made no sense to keep it in the fridge; why put cold ketchup/catsup on hot food?
Anyway, I'm curious as to how many of you live good, honest lives and how many of you are worthless heathens.
Stored in a cabinet until you open it. Once it's open, in the fridge.
If you want to live dangerously, and introduce the risk of growing bacteria and mold In that ketchup, have at it.
As I don't relish (heh) food poisoning as a result of a delicious meal, I will continue to refrigerate my condiments, thank you very much.
Philistine! :P
ClarkKent_DC said:
Me too.
The Baron said:
If I use a tomato-based condiment at all, I use steak sauce. It tastes better on hamburgers, on steaks, even on French fries. I'm sure I haven't bought a bottle of ketchup in, I know, at least 30 years. [EDIT: Here is the commercial that convinced me (1984), so it's been 38 years.] One of our (formerly) regular houseguests always asks for ketchup. As good hosts, we make sure to pick up some individual packets at a fast food restaurant the week before her visit so she'll have it. When we pick up burgers and fries and are given dozens of ketchup packets unasked for and I invariably throw them away, Tracy will often say, "I'm so glad I married a man who doesn't eat ketchup."
In answer to the original question, if it says "Refrigerate after opening" on the label, you should refrigerate it after opening.