
  • Judging by his last post to Facebook, he kept his sense of humor right up to the very end.

  • This one hits pretty hard.

  • This was a hard one for me. There was a point in my time he was a favorite writer and artist. His "5 years later" Legion of Super-heroes run truly altered comic books for me. It was the *only* comic book I read for  2-3 years. It hits hard...

  • Not much to add except to agree this was a hard one. I've accepted that al the greats from my youth are inevitably gone but he was my exact contemporary.

  • This one hits really hard for me. I love his work -- Legion especially, but also Ambush Bug, JLI, 52, Omega Men, the Heckler, and more -- but also I've always loved his attitude in interviews. Comics is a job, and he never lets sentimentality get in the way of that -- even when he's having a good time doing his job. I'm going to miss that matter-of-factness...especially considering he could be so funny when he'd express it.

  • A favorite Keith Giffen double-page spread of a team not generally associated with him...


    • I saw that spread a couple times over the last week or so, so I read that issue (Defenders 50) on Marvel Unlimited. It's good fun! (And boy, was David Anthony Kraft obsessed with people drinking beer!)

  • More info and tributes from The Guardian

    Keith Giffen, comic book artist and writer, dies aged 70 | Books | ...

    Keith Giffen, comic book artist and writer, dies aged 70
    Creator of Rocket Raccoon, star of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy movie series, and the DC superhero Blue Beetle died after suffering a stroke on M…
  • Marvel, DC and Boom! Studios all published tributes to Keith Giffen in comics appearing this week.

    This is DC's:


  • STL337936.jpg

    Keith Giffen Tribute Issue! A star-studded celebration of the work of the prolific writer/artist of Legion of Super-HeroesRocket RaccoonGuardians of the GalaxyJustice LeagueLoboBlue Beetle, and many more hits from the Bronze Age and beyond! Featuring Cary Bates, Tom Bierbaum, J. M. DeMatteis, Dan DiDio, Robert Loren Fleming, Cully Hamner, Scott Koblish, Paul Levitz, Kevin Maguire, Bart Sears, Mark Waid, and more! Re-presenting the cover of Son of Ambush Bug #6 by Giffen and Bob Oksner. Edited by Michael Eury and Roger Ash.

    In Shops: Jan 15, 2025
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