One of our former members, Robin Olsen, passed away Wednesday morning.  Robin was a character and a half.  He loved Silver Age comics, whether Marvel, DC, Charlton, or others, and he loved Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, Curt Swan, and all the greats of that era.  He may not have been everyone's cup of tea, but Robin was my friend and I'll miss him.

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  • I always looked forward to his posts and will miss him.

  • Like John I kept in touch with him and will miss him a lot.

  • I remember him as well. Sorry to hear this.

  • Doggone it. Thoughts are with his family and friends right now.

  • That's just terrible. I miss him already.

    One of you who knew him better than me should post something on the Facebook page. He still dropped by there occasionally.

  • Aw, no, I'm really sorry to hear that. Rest in peace, Robin.

  • Ah, shame.

  • ...Ooooh . :-( .

      He had left here ?

      When ? Because of his (I presume) illness ?

  • ...I see you/this board posted about Robin , CC , I could not find it now:-(...The " Uncle Robin " didn't work , nor links .

  • Emerkeith Davyjack said:

    ...Ooooh . :-( .

      He had left here ?

      When ? Because of his (I presume) illness ?

    Not sure when he left or the reason.

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