
  • Dang. I've enjoyed pretty much everything with his byline on it.

    And he's another creator who is older than I thought. What we're losing these days seem to be creators in their 70s. (Or Neal Adams, who made it to 80.) His contemporaries in the '80s British invasion -- Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, Garth Ennis, Dave Gibbons, Mark Millar and Grant Morrison -- are all kicking, thank Odin, and makes me wonder if they're younger. Not Steve Dillon, sadly.

  • Since you asked:

    Alan Moore: 68

    Neil Gaiman: 61

    Garth Ennis: 52

    Dave Gibbons: 73

    Mark Millar: 52

    Grant Morrison: 62

    Captain Comics said:

    Dang. I've enjoyed pretty much everything with his byline on it.

    And he's another creator who is older than I thought. What we're losing these days seem to be creators in their 70s. (Or Neal Adams, who made it to 80.) His contemporaries in the '80s British invasion -- Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, Garth Ennis, Dave Gibbons, Mark Millar and Grant Morrison -- are all kicking, thank Odin, and makes me wonder if they're younger. Not Steve Dillon, sadly.

  • Good grief. I’m older than all but 2 of those guys. 

  • I always liked Alan Grant, I don't think he ever produced something I didn't lile.

    I often forget how old some of the creators are getting, but you know the 80s are getting to be 40 years ago now.

  • Me, too! But in my case only Dave Gibbons has me beat.

    Captain Comics said:

    Good grief. I’m older than all but 2 of those guys. 

  • We're the fans! We're supposed to be younger than our idols!

  • I feel as though we went from "all the Golden Age guys are going", skipped the Silver Age guys and went straight to the Bronze Age guys.

  • If it makes you feel any better, I'm younger than all but two of these guys.

  • Me, too!

  • I topped Dave Gibbons by a year last month. Does it bother me? Not really. 


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