"Amazing Spider-Man #61-65 just arrived from Westfield, and I enjoyed them far more than I expected to... I guess I missed Spidey more than I realized. This isn't "my" Peter Parker any more, but it's adjacent...
You know, I started reading this…"
"Perhaps some small group will step up in Reddit or somewhere else [to compile information].
I'll do my best to continue the Comics List as well.
What about PS Artbooks?
I didn't have an answer for this when you first asked, Jeff, but now I do --…"
"SUPERMAN'S PAL, JIMMY OLSEN #40 - "Jimmy Olsen, Supergirl's Pal!"
"As readers of Action Comics know, Supergirl has recently come to Earth posessing all the super powers of her cousin Superman! For certain reasons, the very existance of the Girl of…"
"Barnabas pronounces it "lie-lock" for some reason).
I've heard it pronounced that way before. Maybe it was an old-timey thing, like Shatner's pronunciation of "trahnquility"?"
"I use it every week. My LCS's website is updated directly from Diamond and consequently hasn't been very useful for the past several years (and will perhaps become even less useful in the near future). "
"As for Future Carolyn, Danny Horn described her as "pushing 50, and she looks like she's been pushing it with her face."
He's funny. (I got that seance comic book panel I just posted to "Dark Shadows Seances and Sources" from Dark Shadows Every…"
"I noticed the Volume One/Volume Two discrepancy too -- I wondered if something would ever come of it on the episode, but no dice.With Hallie, it seems like Dark Shadows finally has its "Jan.""
"DARK SHADOWS: YEAR ONE: This is a mini-series I have been meaning to re-read for some time now, along with Dynamite's ongoing Dark Shadows series, which was also quite good. On TV, the 19-week 1795 arc was quite meandering, and I think the comic…"
"Dark Shadows "ghost theory": I have a theory about what causes ghosts to appear at Collinwood. First, Josette is Collinwood's "default ghost" and is the exception to the rule; the catalyst which caused Sarah to appear was the release of Barnabas…"
"Thanks for the tl;dr summaries!
(This is why publishers like Marvel and Image -- which are non-exclusive to Penguin Random House and Lunar, respectively -- appear in the Previews catalogue, but DC Comics -- which is exclusive to Lunar -- does…"
"Is this an article I really want to read?
If you haven't gone down the rabbit hole opened up for a wider audience by the Vulture article, I caution you, it's a very rough ride.
To be sure, the situation is disgusting and probably criminal.
Jeff, I want to thank you and Tracy for the well-wishes you have given me, just to let you know how touching and thoughtful I think it was. I'm happy to tell you that I'm doing much better and I feel about 99% back to normal. Of course, it's easy to recuperate when all I have to think about is getting better while Adam takes every other burden upon himself. Here on Earth-B he has the reputation of being rather a cranky old cuss, but I know he's as sweet as a puppy! Tell him I said that and I'll blame it on the stroke.
Thank you again, Jeff, for thinking of me and do, please, pass my thanks and best wishes on to Tracy.
Happy new year!
PS: Re: the puppy comment--yes, I know this will be publicly on your wall, but I'm betting Himself never pays attention to these. Also, there may be a better way to message you but I don't see anything else.
Thank you again, Jeff, for thinking of me and do, please, pass my thanks and best wishes on to Tracy.
Happy new year!
PS: Re: the puppy comment--yes, I know this will be publicly on your wall, but I'm betting Himself never pays attention to these. Also, there may be a better way to message you but I don't see anything else.