Ned Eisenberg, who recurred several times on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, and several times on original Law & Order as another character, and lots of other TV shows and movies, dies at age 65 from two kinds of cancer.
Hey, friends, you all know I get to write about comics for CBR. I'm doing research for a piece on General Zod. I keep finding mentions of a story where Superboy freed Zod from the Phantom Zone because his s
1)Per Barry Letts and Terrance Dicks, this is the one story of their era which was deliberately designed to convey a "message" in this case concerning pollution. It also features the final Doctor Who appearance (to date, anyhow) of Katy Manning as Jo
I got hooked on David Lapham's crime noir series Stray Bullets the first time I picked up one of the original trade paperback collections. I kept picking them up periodically, but it was a long time before I got to read Vol. 1, and I never found a
I remember when the Sixth Doctor began traveling with Constance Clarke. It seemed like a really good jumping on point to me, however I was still a ways away from completing my Eighth Doctor collection, a priority at the time. Constance’s first advent
The question arose in other threads about how many omnibuses it would take to reprint Fawcett's major Golden Age characters. I opted to go to extreme effort to answer this question. Because, in clinical terms, I am "tetched in the haid."
The Good Asian Vol. 1 Pornsak Pichetshote, writer; Alexandre Tefenkgi, artist; Lee Loughridge, colorist; Jeff Powell, letterer & designer Image Comics, 2021
This is a crime noir with a unique focus. The detective is Edison Hark, a Chinese-American
When I first started reading comic books back in 1974, the average issue was 20 pages of story and art within a 32 page (counting covers) magazine for 20 cents.
In contrast, the Golden Age of Comic Books began with 64 pages for TEN CENTS.